26 May 2021, 19:31

Hi, yesterday i installed a fresh 7.2.1 reloaded img in an SD card for my Raspberry Pi 3. I previously had 4.1. I did backup of roms, saves and bios folders and i also the recalboxintro.mp4 file in /recalbox/system/resources/splash
On the firsts boots, the sound of the splash screen videos (random videos) played well (video and sound connected thru HDMI). Then, i copied the recalboxintro.mp4 file from my backup to the same folder of the new 7.2.1 installation (doing mount -o etc command) in order to delete all vids and only have recalboxintro.mp4 file so the same vid is played every time. I only erase the videos in the folder.
From that point on, when i turn on recalbox, the recalboxintro.mp4 shows well but with NO sound, i checked the file and it has sound. I also play it from command line with:
omxplayer /recalbox/system/resources/splash/recalboxintro.mp4 and the video plays WITH sound. I tried also:
omxplayer --adev alsa:hw:0,0 /recalbox/system/resources/splash/recalboxintro.mp4 --> WITH SOUND
omxplayer --adev alsa:hw:1,0 /recalbox/system/resources/splash/recalboxintro.mp4 --> NO SOUND
After the splash screen, the recalbox menu always loads WITH sound, so no issue there.

Anyway, i also tried formatting the SD, loading the 7.2.1 reloaded img again without changing a single file, but i have NO sound in the splash screen (random videos). Tried multiple TVs with HDMI.
What i can do to get the splash screen sound back?

I also have another issue. I have a wood case with 2 joysticks, 6 buttons for each player and 2 extra buttons, one is for "insert coin" and the other for "menu/quit game and back to main menu". I bought this case already set up, so i didn´t make the GPIO connections on my own (but it´s working for more than 3 years).
The issue i´m having is that in my 4.1 previous installation, buttons A and B where the other way round than in 7.2.1 install (default). So, i need to know whats the default config of the buttons order or else, how can i map the buttons in the order that where before in 4.1 installation? I´ve tried to configure them in recalbox but no luck.
Is there a file where the config of the buttons is store?

Thanks in advance.