PS3 Controller Muting Kodi
After pressing L2/R2 it keeps lowering volume until mute, like the buttons was being hold. If I press and hold again or right stick to some direction, the sound goes up, but if I release it.....sound goes all the way down again.
When entering kodi, everything works normaly, this happens if I accidentaly press L2/R2 when putting controller on couch or table.
I have 2 original PS3 controller, both doing the same thing, every button works fine in games (tested on many emulators, specialy on ps1`cause of L2,R2 and analog sticks)
I tried using the "disable button" function on kodi menu, but the buttons continue to work after disabling them.
Tried changing some keymaps.xml and Kodi folder, but no luck there.
Thank you for any help
This is freaking me out when happening in the middle of a movie =/ -
Zing 10 May 2021, 22:55