Official recalbox 4.0.0 beta thread
@rockaddicted Looks like we don't understand each other XD. The default core saves where it should, but the gpsp core saves in the same folder of the rom. I was not talking about changing the default core, as you say, i can change the core easily. I was thinking in fix the location to save in "/saves/gba" as well with the gpsp core. If you can test my PcEngineCD problem i would really appreciate that ^^. (English is not my native language, so sorry if i not express myself properly. It would be a lot worse if i try to do it in french :P)
@Dragda haha no problem english is not my native language too, and I didn't really listen during school ... so ...
So in recalbox 4.0.0, when you save a game using the default core (mgba) files are created in
, BUT when you do the same thing once forced gpsp as gba core, the save files are created in/recalbox/share/roms/gba/
? -
@rockaddicted That's it.
@Dragda, fine I'll look these points, I'll do my feedback here
Hello! Thanks for the new version but I have a few problems. Since I updated I can't copy the roms directly to the sd card on linux. It says I don't have permitions to write in this folder. I tried by network and Windows doesn't detect my recalbox and with linux, I can see on the begining but after copy a few megas it dissappear and I can't copy anything else for a while. Anyone with a solution? Thanks!
Salut et merçi pour la maj ! Juste une question on peut mettre a jour directement a patir de la beta 17 ou on est obligé de refaire un instal ?
Install obligatoire
Hi, Thanks for the new version. I've updated and here are a few problems:
- Turned ON the WIFI connection and the system freezes. Using Edimax EW-7811Un Wireless N Nano USB 150Mbps.
- Swicht to another language and when the system restart It's freezes on the loading screen.
- I'm a Mac user and I can’t copy the roms directly to the sd, "share" partition is not mounted when I put my sd card on my computer. On v3.3.0-beta17 this works fine.
@Marcos Clatablera
- Turned ON the WIFI connection and the system freezes. Using Edimax EW-7811Un Wireless N Nano USB 150Mbps.
Hi :D. For me, i have no problemes with the wifi but you have a long waiting time of "freezes" juste after turned ON Wifi. Time for the recalbox to join your wifi... I made the test with an other dongle but i can try with my edimax next time
- Swicht to another language and when the system restart It’s freezes on the loading screen.
Can you give us the language you want use. maybe they have a problem with this language.
- I’m a Mac user and I can’t copy the roms directly to the sd, « share » partition is not mounted when I put my sd card on my computer. On v3.3.0-beta17 this works fine.
That strange... I can make a test in my mac after...
do you have try to access to your recalbox with a ping ?'s-IP-on-your-network-(EN)#with-apple-osx Or try connect with winscp ?
Before, in recalbox 3.3.0, the share partition was on
, but in 4.0.0, we are inext4
. So if you are a macuser, you must add a sotfware to allow you to mount ext4 partition (sorry no details to give you.... but I know it is possible) -
Is there anyplace that we can go to see release/change notes on the nightly updates? This morning the update showed that there were added emulators just wondering what was exactly added? Haveing no issues yet with last nights build but i have not tested all the systems yet.
Pour ma part je rencontre un problème assez embêtant. Quand je passe le stockage d'interne a externe, la configuration de la recalbox se remet a zéro et peu importe les changement que je fait ( changement de langage, sortie audio etc..) aucun paramètres n'est pris en compte mais ceux ci sont bien dans le recalbox.conf qui est dans mon disque dur externe. le disque dur est bien en RW si quelqu'un aurait une solution
I cannot edit the WiFi SSID and HOSTNAME in 4.0. I can enter the edit mode, but get no response when typing any characters (except the arrow keys). I have no problem with this in 3.3. Any help ?
<span style="line-height: 1.5;">@reivaax Thanks for the info!</span> Finally works the wifi connection, just need to wait a bit more
The language with the problem to switch is Spanish. @rockaddicted OSXFUSE and Fuse-EXT2 are the solution to mount an ext4 image on mac. Thanks!
@Marcos Clatablera I have the last version in Spanish, and no problem with that.
I resolved the problem with the input for WIFI by just entering Kodi and exit back to ES. I don't know why, but that fixes something.
Je confirme le souci pour les boutons A/B voici l'état des lieux en utilisant un pad xbox360 out of the box (non remappé, utilisation par défaut) : Sur le pad le A 'réel' rouge est donc en bas gauche, le B 'réel' vert en bas droite. Messages d'aide en bas à gauche dans le Menu principal d'ES : (B) Select mais la sélection se fait avec A 'réel' Messages d'aide en bas à gauche dans un sous menu console ou un sous-répertoire de menu console : (B) Launch (A) Back mais le jeu se lance avec A'réel' et on fait back avec B 'réel' Et ainsi de suite avec toute l'interface
Autres problèmes : - quand on lance un jeu d'un sous-répertoire (exemple : roms/snes/action/blackthorne.snes) puis qu'on revient au menu par hotkey + start, on se retrouve dans roms/snes avec le curseur sur un autre sous menu n'ayant rien à voir au lieu de revenir sur le même jeu sélectionné comme avant. - il y a un sorte de lag dans l'interface d'ES : parfois quand on va une dizaine de fois vers le bas rien n'est pris en compte, on appuie alors vers haut et là miracle on se retrouve dix ou neuf items de menu plus bas Je précise à propose de ces deux problèmes que mon xboxdrv n'est pas activé, le deuxième point en particulier pourrait être lié...
@Dragda you are right, spanish goes fine now
Problème rencontré jusqu'à présent : - LEDs de la manette PS3 qui clignote et ne se fige pas, cependant la manette fonctionne parfaitement.