19 Mar 2021, 10:52

Thanks for replying!

The GPi case uses a Raspberry Pi Zero, which is nowhere near as powerful as a Pi 3. Hence why I was using PiFBA with a compatible romset. Mostly it's working OK but the Capcom stuff has the aspect ratio problem. I was hoping this was user fixable. I'll test FBN but I wouldn't expect much from it on a Pi Zero.

I do use Skraper on my desktop to get images and gamelists sets etc. I did this fresh for the Recalbox install. I did also try without any scraped info at all to see if that made any difference but it doesn't appear to affect it. On other devices the 2600 runs well, but on the GPi it runs very slowly. This is surprising as it's powerful enough to run this emulator, so it must b a config somewhere causing the issue.