Hiding consoles by deleting roms not working
So, I'm trying to hide some consoles that I'm not interested it by removing the games/roms.
I tried this 3 ways: Thru the web interface, thru, winSCP and thru the Recalbox UI.After a reboot, they all come back. If I update gamelist, (thru the menu) they disappear.
But rebooting makes them all reappear.
I've tried to hide the games but they reappear with a reboot.
I've tried removing the gamelist.xml from each rom folder but it's read only. I've tried commenting all the consoles I do not want in the es_systems.cfg file but it's read only and I can't figure out how to get it to be read/write.
Anyone know how to get an install of Recalbox without all these "free" roms or what I'm doing wrong?
I have same problem. I copied from "/recalbox/share_init/system/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg" to "/recalbox/share/system/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg" and modified the copied file, deleting extensions that I wan't to see (in x68000 I only want to see m3u files). I reset, but doesn't work, I still viewing various dim files and corresponding m3u files in the game list. It's right my procedure, or I'm wrong in some step?
- 14 days later
@Sardu same exact problem here. I’ve fought through a number of issues getting Recalbox setup on my Raspberry Pi 4 and this is the last thing that I haven’t quite figured out yet.
I would expect the “update games list” to permanently update the DB that stores this information, but it constantly gets reset when I reboot.
If I find a solution to this I’ll be sure to post it here.
I did some further testing and the trick for me was simply to delete everything within each of the individual ROM folders for each system (SNES, N64, etc.). I elected to leave the readme.txt file for future reference.
On my next boot, I only saw the games for which I had ROMs store on the Pi.
I'm not sure why you were getting an error message about read-only access though - I would start by troubleshooting that because I had no issues deleting files/folders.
Hope that helps!
@Sardu @CrownedMartyr To "hide" consoles that you don't want to appear on the Emulationstation, just delete ALL the content inside the console folder that you want to "hide" (if you delete the folder it will be recreated automatically, so don't delete the folder, only its contents Don't worry about the readme file: if you delete the folder, it will be recreated.)
There is a known issue about deleted games still appearing on Recalbox, the team is working on it:
https://gitlab.com/recalbox/recalbox/-/issues/1390For now, so that this error doesn't happen, delete all the roms you don't want, and, update the gamelist with some external software, such as Skraper or ARRM:
- Skraper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G388Gc6kkRs&list=PL2oNQ0AT7fx2ExiSNrfHUzga5GnogI4sh&index=22&ab_channel=Recalbox
- ARRM: https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/11850/arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager
About the gamelist files being read-only, you need to access in write mode and stop the emulationstation while editing / deleting the gamelists, see the SSH commands here:
https://recalbox.gitbook.io/documentation/v/francais/tutoriels/systeme/acces/dossiers-et-commandes-ssh#ssh-commands@Claudio-Cortes Read this: