[Tester wanted] xarcade tankstick
Bonjour à tous
n'ayant pas le matériel à dispo, je voudrais que les possesseurs de tankstick xarcade testent la version suivante (pour RB 7.01):
téléchargez le fichier suivant votre architecture et remplacer celui présent sur votre système. exemple pour une pi3
Effectuer une connexion ssh via putty , saisir les différentes lignes suivantes.
mount -o rw,rmount / cp /usr/bin/xarcade2jstick /usr/bin/xarcade2jstick-old cp xarcade2jstick-rpi3 /usr/bin/xarcade2jstick chmod 755 /usr/bin/xarcade2jstick rebootez, faites des tests et postez moi une archive de support svp.
- connecter votre recalbox sur le réseau
- via votre navigateur web saisir l'adresse suivante sous windows : http://recalbox/help
- via votre navigateur web saisir l'adresse suivante sous mac : http://recalbox.local/help
- Suivre les instructions et poster le lien obtenu.
Si vous rencontrez des messages d'erreur , l'archive est quand même créé dans le dossier/saves
, récupérez là et l'uploader sur dl.free.fr par exemple ou autre.
Dans votre réponse, merci d'indiquer votre matériel :
- modèle de tankstick
- l'architecture matériel utilisée (PC, pi 3/4 odroid)
I can do the rpi3 today, two quick questions.
- is there a way to undo this test incase things don't work?
- what do you mean send you a support archive?
@ian57 said in [Tester wanted] xarcade tankstick:
Ignore question #1. I can just rename back.
@sroach just rename back :
cp /usr/bin/xarcade2jstick-old /usr/bin/xarcade2jstick
for support archive https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/4054/a-lire-avant-de-poster-merci
I can initiate the support script from my recalbox, I get the following error message:
Close alertconnect ECONNREFUSED
Just as a heads up, after trying the "xarcade2jstick-rpi3" update everything on my tankstick is working as before. I tried multiple games (1 -player, dual player, track ball) I tried multiple emulators (mame, NES, SNES, Sega, Daphne)
Everything is working fine for me and like it did before the patch.
@sroach yes it's normal. There is an error but the archive is well created? Can you post it here please?
I sent you a link to my google drive on discord with two archive files that were saved.
recalbox-support-b7bd4b9e-3014-f078-6b16-529c4045e945.tar.gzI didn't have issue when I went from 6 to 7 or 7.01
it always ran well for me.
I am in mode 4 (Switch on the back) by the way, not sure what other people use. -
Would love to help out if of any good consequence or resolved. Are we still looking to solve?
Hello @sroach
switch to 3 : D-INPUT
I will try that sometime today.
OK, detects the tankstick, sometimes it see it as 2 new controllers and some boot ups it detected it as 4 new controllers.
I am having some issues, I can get the right side of the tankstick (second player controllers configured) but not the left side (player 1).
But.. if I switch the mode to #4 and then back again I can get the left side seen and configured, until I reboot.
once everything is configured I have lost the ability to bring up the name menu to reconfigure buttons. controller or keyboard no button or button combination brings up the same menu.
Would you like me to grab the archive file?
@sroach did you try the trackball? Apparently it is not working in mode 4
@ian57 It was under 7.0.1, but I updated to 7.1 last night. I will give it a try and report back.
@sroach normally nothing changed ! no time actually. sorry
J'ai pas compris à quel endroit mettre le fichier
Just gave it a try and the trackball is working fine for me in mode 4.
Everything is working well.
@sroach thanks a lot for the reply, can you post your support archive please to list with ara working, which are not. Thanks a lot for your time
See message on discord for the latest archive file.
So far everything has been working, I tested several games on the following emulators. All buttons and the trackball are working. the only button that does not work (can't map it) is the mouse 3 button X-Arcade has added as a mouse 3 button.
Emulators tested:
Atari 2600
Atari ST
All the preloaded Ports games
Sega CDTried the trackball with:
Missle Command
Golden TeeI haven't found anything that is not working yet, unless I switch to mode 3 on the tankstick.
Please let me know if I can help out further.
@sroach thanks a lot for the job
@ian57 glad to help!