10 Oct 2020, 16:45


I am following the official tutorial to display systems (https://recalbox.gitbook.io/documentation/other/configuration/display-of-systems).

I would like to create two types of systems. The first one, I would like to add a new system SNES with translated roms.

So, I have created a new es_systems.cfg in "./recalbox/share/system/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg". In this file, I have copied the same system information of snes from "./recalbox/share_init/system/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg" changing the fullname and path variables. My question is about the theme. I have created new images for this "new" system, but... where should I save this information? Should I copy the folder "./recalbox/share_init/system/.emulationstation/themes/recalbox-next" to "./recalbox/share/system/.emulationstation/themes"? And then add my specific theme?

Like in the es_system.cfg case, I think I should include only the information related to my new system, because Recalbox will find the rest of the information in share_init, but I dont achieve it.

The second question is... Could I create a new custom system based on a specific game? For intance, I would like to create the "StreetFighter" category (like the new categories included in Recalbox 7.0 for genre, number of players...). Is it possible? How could I indicate the specific emulator for each streetfighter rom?

Thank you so much!!!