Bjr @mYSt, openbor utilise bien le computer_flat. Png ?
[SOFT] Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager)
Merci pour cette réponse rapide, mais c'est déja ce que je fais.
J'ai le fichier XML qui est ouvert sur Excel et j'ai toutes les données. J'aimerai juste récupérer un fichier index.html qui permettra de faire des filtres via navigateur !
Ce que j'ai fait, c'est :
Ouvrir tous les xml en une seule feuille (qui possede toutes les colonnes) et lister les jeux. En somme c'est la bibliotheque entière.
j'ai aussi une macro qui va lister l'intégralité des fichiers du chemin, et me donner la taille. Je raccorde celle ci comme une donnée en plus
A partir de la je peux sauvegarder en html via Excel. Mais ce n'est pas tellement fait pour ..
Si ca t'interesse, je peux t'envoyer mon code vba (a retranscrire en ou que sais-je ?)
@soaresden , pourquoi ne créés tu pas, en VBA, un fichier txt/html en parcourant toutes les lignes de ton excel, en récupérant les données et les mettant dans les balises html que tu souhaites ?
Désolé @soaresden , mais je n'envisage pas de générer des fichiers html comme tu le souhaites, directement via, ARRM. Je propose l export CSV afin que les utilisateurs puissent ensuite manipuler les données à leur guise
cdlt -
C'est ce que j'ai fini par faire. Mais je dois rouvrir les XML un par un sous ARRM, ca aurait pu etre plus rapide de prendre en compte la bibliothèque complète.Cette fonction CSV est inutile car Excel gère très bien les tableaux XML
Je rappelle le besoin : **une vue globale ** de sa bibliothèque (comme Recalbox lancé) (titre/screen et description).
Je trouves dommage de ne pas y repenser à 2 fois à cette feature (Cela marque une grosse différence avec Skrapper et autres)Je joins mon fichier Excel (avec macros) pour ceux qui le veulent :
Il est tout préparé, il y'a juste à insérer le nom du répertoire en B1.
Le fichier va boucler sur l'intégralité des systèmes et ouvrant plus de 50 gamelist.
Cliquer sur les boutons 1 à 3 (c'est loooooong, c'est du Excel et ce n'est pas adapté)
ps: c'est de la version beta, ca fonctionne chez moi, je ne fais pas de support -
Hi All,
New version of ARRM available : (10/04/2020)
Added new Recalbox 7.0 systems
New "Folders" tab in which you can configure the paths for each of the media (image, screenshot, boxart, wheel, cartridge, titleshot, map, fanart, manual, video)
Media names have been shortened. Examples:
- Before : A.E. (USA) (Proto)_screenscraper_boxart_arrm.png, A.E. (USA) (Proto)_screenscraper_screenshot_arrm.png...
- Now : A.E. (USA) (Proto)-boxart.png, A.E. (USA) (Proto)-screenshot.png...
Added TAGs: MANUAL, MAP, FANART and TITLESHOT (available on Batocera 5.27)
In the "Images Options" tab, addition in the "Force Media Download" section of MAP, FANART and TITLESHOT media
In the form 'Assignment of media Screenscraper, addition of TAGs: MAP, FANART and TITLESHOT. It is now possible to reference, in the MIX templates of ARRM, the FANART and TITLESHOT tags.
Mix'Me module now accepts FANART and TITLESHOT
Addition of a button "Check for missing images when loading gamelist.xml": When a gamelist.xml is loaded, if Media Tags are empty, ARRM tries to find the missing media locally.
Added a button "Manual (magnifying glass)" and "Manuel +" to read a manual or add one to a Rom
Some options have been put in drop-down lists to save space ("Folders" tab, "Images Options", the filters and "ROM Information")
Removed a bug when using the "Delete Image" button
In the filters, addition of WITH and WITHOUT to filter the TAGS WITH or WITHOUT media
Addition of a "Query" combobox, in the Filters panel, which allows you to compose your own filter and find the history of personalized filters. Click on the? to know the syntax and the eye icon to see the history of custom filters. See wiki
in the "Search" tab, the "Genre" combobox is replaced by a 2 combo box (combo box on the available fields, and combobox on the values associated with this field). It is also possible to type the text you want in the combobox (Nordicpower suggestion)
Taking into account of the systems 'model2', 'model3', 'mugen' under
Addition of a 'Force' checkbox in the 'Gamelist Options' tab which allows to save the gamelist.xml without displaying the dialog box (Nordicpower suggestion)
Fixed a bug which renamed the rom file in lowercase when moving rom to a subfolder (thanks Nordicpower)
Addition of a BatoceraPlus checkbox in the 'Batocera/Screenscraper/TGDB' tab to manage the 'Windows', 'Linux' system with the .plus extension and the 'Flash' system with the .swf extension
Fixed various bugs
If you already have version you can download only the executable alone + some configuration files here:
Download link for full version :
Page of Beta versions :
@nexusone13 Hello
Just to inform you that several users got in touch with me to tell me they have issues with openbor scrapped images not using the right screen from Next Pixel theme (maybe others new systems may have pb as well).
Bjr @mYSt, openbor utilise bien le computer_flat. Png ?
@nexusone13 Oui c'est ça mais il semble que arrm génère des images avec console.png
@mYSt en fait c l utilisateur qui choisit le template qu il souhaite, et il ne prend pas le bon. Je mettrai un template openbor afin que ça ne prête pas à confusion
@nexusone13 ah ok je savais pas mais du coup le theme a un template bien definit lui.
Du coup si tu peux effectivement guider vers le bon template c'est cool.merci !
@mYSt je regarderai ce qu utilisent tes nouveaux systèmes
@mYSt merci à toi pour ton très beau thème
@nexusone13 merci pour ton taf aussi !
Hello, today the screenscraper site is working again, but I can not access with ARRM When I click con "Check Screen Scraper" a message says that server is not responding.
@jorgemagana hi. Get the last version
@nexusone13 said in Arrm (Another Recalbox Roms Manager):
@jorgemagana hi. Get the last version
Works! Thanks!
Hi All,
New version of ARRM available : (10/27/2020)
- Fix connection problems on Screenscraper
- Addition of a 'Video+Overlay' button allowing to create Video + Overlay (like the birthday videos of Screenscraper) based on the ARRM templates. They have the suffix -mixvideo. See WIKI :
- Improved media management in the MixMe module (the selected media are no longer copied into the destination directory with their original name)
- Fixed bug in mass replacement
- Stop loading if corrupt gamelist.xml
- Addition of GenreID in the 'ROM Informations' Panel
- Addition of a combobox displaying the label of the genreID. It is possible to choose the genreID via the combobox or by writing it in the dedicated textbox. By clicking on the eye you can view the genreid? label association file
- Addition of a contextual menu on the database (right click on the database to make it appear)
- The 'Check ARRM updates' button now indicates the presence of a Beta / Patch
- Fixed the 'systemes_tgdb.txt' file which generated an error when scraping with ''
- Fixed a bug when moving game from one system to another
- During a complete installation the file "template_association.txt" is copied as "template_association.ARRM". When executing ARRM, if no existing "template_association.txt" file is present, the "template_association.ARRM" file is copied into "template_association.txt". This is in order not to overwrite your personalization of the file.
- Addition of an "All maps" checkbox in the 'images options' tab which allows you to retrieve all the available maps. Only the first will be assigned to the <map> tag of the gamelist
- The button 'Delete unused images and videos' can be applied on multisystems (several systems checked)
- Fixed a bug when changing the interface language (switching from French or English to other languages causes a blockage)
- Added corrected templates_association for new Recablox 7.0 systems
- Correction of the media path when they do not start with ./ in gamelist.xml (case of media scraped via the internet scraper Recalbox 7.0, which prevented ARRM from displaying the media scraped via Recalbox) (Thank you Flomartin)
- Addition of a "Replacements" tab which allows you to filter and then apply modifications / replacements on the database. See wiki : (Suggestion Nordicpower)
If you already have version or you can download only the executable alone + some configuration files here:
Download link for full version :
Page of Beta versions :
Hi all,
A new version of ARRM is available : (11/11/2020)
Addition in the Bezels / Overlays section (Images Options tab) of a custom button that allows you to resize the Overlays + their configuration file to the desired screen size
Taking into account of the new path for system overlays on Recalbox> 7.0
The 'Missing overlays' button now automatically selects the Roms that do not have an overlay (the search is done in the overlays directory).
Addition of a “Copy Pad2Key” button which allows to send, for the selected systems, a generic .p2k.cfg file ( found in %appdata%\nexouille soft\arrm\ressources ) (thank you soaresden)
The pad2key files for Batocera are recoverable (rom_file.keys format) during scrape. You must have checked the 'Pad 2 Key cfg' checkbox in the 'Scrape Options' tab
Update of the various configuration files for the new Batocera-29 systems
Addition of a “TopStaff ? Favorites” checkbox in the “Scrap Options” tab which puts in favorites the games selected by the Screenscraper team.
Addition of an 'HTML systems' button in the 'Tools' tab which generates an HTML file, very basic, for the selected systems, allowing to view the content of each system (roms, images, manual, video, textual information ). On large systems, processing can take a long time. View example :
Addition of a template (classic and video+overlay) mix_screenscraper_birthday
Bug correction: when using MixMe, if the source image was in the media directory, the suffix (-fanart, -boxart etc …) was not added.
Fixed a bug with the button 'Delete unused images and videos' which removed images suffixed '-map' (thanks soaresden)
Fixed the behavior of the 'Get Video' button on the 'Images options' tab
Fixed a bug: when moving a rom via the 'move to a folder' button the .p2k.cfg file was not moved (thank you soaresden)
If you already have version, you can download only the executable alone + some configuration files here:
Download link for full version :
Page of Beta versions :
Hi all,
A new version of ARRM is available : (11/21/2020)
Added a 'Rate me' button to rate a game and send the rating to Screenscraper. You must have an account on screenscraper and that it is entered in ARRM. See:
Support for <kid>, <adult>, <id> (Screenscraper Game Id) tags
Addition in the 'Information Rom' Panel of the GameID, Kid and Adult fields
Addition of a 'Use GameID' checkbox which allows, when the GameID is entered, to search in priority with the GameID on Screenscraper. (it is possible to force the scrap of a particular game by entering its gameid and checking 'Use GameID'
Addition of an option 'Html condensed without image' when creating the HTML file, allows to have a display in the form of table without image. See ;
Reorganization of tags in the gamelist (more readable)
Removal of the unnecessary 'Box 3D' checkbox: the choice of the boxart format is made in the "Assignment of media screenscraper" menu
Correction of a bug in the replacement module: modification of a value of a field
Bug correction: when Mix and Recover Video were checked, the video was retrieved twice
Fixed bug when moving rom between directories
If you already have version, you can download only the executable alone + some configuration files here:
Download link for full version (remember to uninstall the previous version) :
Page of Beta versions :
@nexusone13 Great! Thanks!