I can't find the rc.local file.
It should be in etc folder but it is not there.
I was gonna see it the SafeShutdown.py is properly iniciated.
This may be the reason the script doesn't work.
Raspberry Pi 3 B+
Please help. Thank you.
Here is what i have in the etc folder
# ls /etc
avahi group localtime os-release shadow
bluetooth hostname logrotate.d passwd sixad.profile
ctdb hosts mke2fs.conf profile ssl
dbus-1 init.d modprobe.d profile.d sudoers.d
default inittab modules.conf protocols timezone
dhcpcd.conf inittab.busybox moonlight.conf random-seed udev
dropbear inputrc mtab resolv.conf usbmount
emulationstation issue network retroarch.cfg wgetrc
fonts libnl nsswitch.conf samba wireless-regdb
fstab lirc ntp.conf services wpa_supplicant.conf