7 Apr 2020, 15:06

@Lienj-Gorimaa said in Adding fba_libretro.so alongside FinalBurn Neo in 6.1:

First i live in cambodia and y average salary is 600$ which is far above the average salary already, so please come back in consideration what could 35$ represent with this new ratio.

  • That's more than twice the average pay in cambodia, so you can definitely afford a 35$ computer every few years with that pay, rpi3 is more than 4 years old now. Or are you telling me you monitor every cents you spend with that pay ? Could you honestly tell me you didn't spend much more on, let's say, smartphones in the meantime while your previous one was still perfectly fine ?
  • It's not as if the rpi3 can't handle cps3 with the new core, you just prefer using an older core, whatever the bugs it might have, over using the fixed version with frameskip.
  • More cores = more confusion for end users = more work for us developpers. How about also keeping 0.30, 0.31, 0.32, 0.33, 0.34, 0.35, 0.36, 0.37, 0.38, 0.40, 0.41, 0.42 and 0.43 versions ? Only the cps3, a system with 6 games, is relevant ? Such a bad idea, there would be no end to this...