17 Nov 2015, 12:43

@digitallumberjack this is my recalbox.conf:   # System Variable # You can configure your recalbox from here # To set a variable, remove the first ; on the line       # ------------ A - ES Options ----------- # ## Pre-boot splash system.splash.enable=0   ## EmulationStation menu style ## default -> default all options menu ## none -> no menu except the game search menu ## bartop -> less menu, only needed for bartops system.es.menu=default   ## Show or hide kodi in emulationstation (0,1) kodi.enabled=1 ## Start kodi at launch (0,1) kodi.atstartup=0 ## set x button shortcut (0,1) kodi.xbutton=0       # ------------ B - Network ------------ # ## Set system hostname system.hostname=RECALBOX ## Activate wifi (0,1) wifi.enabled=1 ## Wifi SSID (string) ;wifi.ssid=new ssid ## Wifi KEY (string) ;wifi.key=new key       # ------------ C - Audio ------------ # ## Set the audio device (auto, hdmi, jack) audio.device=auto ## Set system volume (0..100) audio.volume=90 ## Enable or disable system sounds in ES (0,1) audio.bgmusic=1       # -------------- D - Controllers ----------------- # # Enable support for standard bluetooth controllers controllers.bluetooth.enabled=1     ## Please enable only one of these # -------------- D1 - PS3 Controllers ------------ # ##Enable PS3 controllers support controllers.ps3.enabled=1 ## Choose an driver beetween official, shanwan and gasia if you have dualshock clones (official,shanwan,gasia) controllers.ps3.driver=official     # ------------ D2 - XBOX Controllers ------------ # ## Xbox controllers are already supported, but xboxdrv can solve some compatibility issues ## Enable xboxdrv driver, disable this if you enabled ps3 controllers (0,1) ;controllers.xboxdrv.enabled=0 ## Set the amount of controllers to use with xboxdrv (0..4) ;controllers.xboxdrv.nbcontrols=2     # ------------ D3 - GPIO Controllers ------------ # ## GPIO Controllers ## enable controllers on GPIO with mk_arcarde_joystick_rpi (0,1) ;controllers.gpio.enabled=0 ## mk_gpio arguments, map=1 for one controller, map=1,2 for 2 (map=1,map=1,2) ;controllers.gpio.args=map=1,2     ## DB9 Controllers ## Enable DB9 drivers for atari, megadrive, amiga controllers (0,1) ;controllers.db9.enabled=0 ## db9 arguments ;controllers.db9.args=map=1   ## Gamecon controllers ## Enable gamecon controllers, for nes, snes psx (0,1) ;controllers.gamecon.enabled=0 ## gamecon_args ;controllers.gamecon.args=map=1       # ------------ F - Language and keyboard ------------ # ## Set the language of the system (fr_FR,en_US,en_GB,de_DE,pt_BR,es_ES) system.language=es_ES ## set the keyboard layout (fr,en,de,us,es) ;system.kblayout=us ## Set you local time ## Select your timezone from : ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/ (string) ;system.timezone=Europe/Paris       # ------------ G - UPDATES ------------ # ## Automatically check for updates at start (0,1) updates.enabled=1       # ------------ H - HERE IT IS - GLOBAL EMULATOR CONFIGURATION ------------ # ## The global value will be used for all emulators, exept if the value ## is redifined in the emulator   ## Set game resolution for emulators ## select your mode from the command : tvservice -m [MODE] ## CEA 5 HDMI : 1920x1080 @ 60Hz 16:9, clock:74MHz interlaced ## CEA 4 HDMI : 1280x720 @ 60Hz 16:9, clock:74MHz progressive ## use 'default' for using the default resolution ## (string) global.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI   ## Shader set ## Automatically select shaders for all systems ## (none, retro, scanlines) global.shaderset=none   ## Set gpslp shader for all emulators (prefer shadersets above). Absolute path (string) global.shaders=   ## Set ratio for all emulators (auto,4/3,16/9,16/10,custom) global.ratio=auto   ## Set smooth for all emulators (0,1) global.smooth=1   ## Set rewind for all emulators (0,1) global.rewind=0   ## Set retroarch input driver (auto, udev, sdl2) ## If you don't have issues with your controllers, let auto global.inputdriver=auto   ## If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for all emulators (string) ;global.configfile=/path/to/my/configfile.cfg   # ------------ I - EMULATORS CHOICES ----------- # ## You can override the global configuration here ## Here is the snes example ;snes.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI ;snes.core=snes9x_next ;snes.shaders=/recalbox/share/shaders/shaders_glsl/mysnesshader.gplsp ;snes.ratio=16/9 ;snes.smooth=0 ;snes.rewind=1 ;snes.emulator=libretro ## If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for the emulator : ;snes.configfile=/path/to/my/configfile.cfg   ## The rewind option is deactivated by default on these unsupported cores (don't edit please) virtualboy.rewind=0 sega32x.rewind=0 segacd.rewind=0 psx.rewind=0 fbalibretro.rewind=0 vectrex.rewind=0   ## NeoGeo emulator ## You can use pifba or a libretro core (fba2x,libretro) neogeo.emulator=fba2x ## If you set libretro as neogeo.emulator, uncomment the line below and set the retroarch core (fba,imame4all) ;neogeo.core=fba   ## N64 core (n64,rice) ## The recommanded plugin is n64, but if your game is not compatible, try rice plugin (example Zelda Ocarina of Time, Banjo Kazooie, ...) n64.core=n64   I think all is ok to sync with ps3 controller. Here is an attachment with a picture of my gamepad