Hey, I recently upgraded my Recalbox from a 16GB SD card to one with 128GB. Everything seems to be working fine, except for the above mentioned systems not showing up in the list despite me definitely putting the relevant ROM files(Some zipped and others not) into the correct folders. My Recalbox operates on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ which is less than a week old.
Solved PSX, PSP and N64 emulators not showing up in the main menu
Hey, I recently upgraded my Recalbox from a 16GB SD card to one with 128GB. Everything seems to be working fine, except for the above mentioned systems not showing up in the list despite me definitely putting the relevant ROM files(Some zipped and others not) into the correct folders. My Recalbox operates on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ which is less than a week old.
@cloud-striker verify the allowed extensions
No zip on n64, bin need cue files on psx (no zip files either) and psp I don‘t remember. -
This post is deleted! -
@paradadf So I need to unzip all the N64 and PSX ROMs?
Sorry, but is it really so hard to look into the _readme.txt file on each system folder?
@abunille Sorry for the kind of obvious question then. I didn't even realize that there were any readmes. Thanks for the response though!