BUG: NO Playstation Bios file FOUND
I have the last version of recalbox, 6.0.
The Bios are in the folder.
can you help me?![alt text]http://s2.subirimagenes.com/otros/previo/thump_9894934biosok.jpg(image url)
![alt text]http://s2.subirimagenes.com/fotos/previo/thump_9894935sin-ttulo.jpg(image url)
Filenames are case-sensitive. You just can't throw some badly named files in your bios folder, expecting the emulator to find them all auto-magically!
Use the bios tab of your Recalbox's webmanager (http://recalbox, or http://recalbox.local) to check bios names. Or read the readme.txt in the bios folder.
thanks for your answer, the bios is ok
The readme:
924e392ed05558ffdb115408c263dccf SCPH1001.BIN
i didnt change nothing, i think its a bug
![alt text]http://s2.subirimagenes.com/otros/previo/thump_9894951captura.jpg(image url)
According to WIKI:
Your MEDNAFEN_PSX BIOS does not have the correct names, does it? (The correct names and extensions are in lowercase in this case, different from the main BIOS of playstation, which is all in Uppercase)- PLAYSTATION :
924e392ed05558ffdb115408c263dccf SCPH1001.BIN - MEDNAFEN_PSX (X86/X86_64) :
8dd7d5296a650fac7319bce665a6a53c scph5500.bin
490f666e1afb15b7362b406ed1cea246 scph5501.bin
32736f17079d0b2b7024407c39bd3050 scph5502.bin