C'mon, testers! Hurry up My Pi3+ board inside the NesPi Case is ready and waiting for you!
P.S. I'm joking, you do everything great! Make the release build as much stable as possible.
Hello everyone:
I have updated my Raspberry Pi 3 b +, to the latest beta version, and I have several problems:
Thank you all and forgive me since I am Spanish and English is not very good for me.
@starmagoo said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
Here are my found problems:
- Recalbox crashes sometimes at hash calculation for Netplay
- Kodi doesn't start (Black screen and recalbox returns to the home screen)
- Restart doesn't work
I have also tried various emulators and ROM's but none has started (NES, SNES, GG, GB, ...).
Webif also doesn't work.
@starmagoo Remap your controller.
rpi3b +
Thanks for this rotten update!
black and lightning screen up and right, update launched from the menu...
I had 100gb of rom...
@hoyohoyo before updating you have to change the recolbox.conf as it's said in the first post.
If you don't, you'll brick your recalbox. If you do it like it should be done, you'll have a normal update and everything will be ok.
@hoyohoyo have you read the very first post stating this is experimental, and you should do this on a backup SD ?
C'mon, testers! Hurry up My Pi3+ board inside the NesPi Case is ready and waiting for you!
P.S. I'm joking, you do everything great! Make the release build as much stable as possible.
@noktambule Thank you for your help, i managed to start the recalbox again with the update. Nevertheless, i still try to add roms, and they did not appear in my recalbox "interface" whereas it appear in my recalbox roms directory. Has someone an idea ?
I just installed Recalbox beta on my 3b + but I have a problem, no game starts when I wander through the menus (out emulator confused), I tried several times, formatting cleanly (deleted partition, long formatting , etc.), if anyone has an idea to help me?
Thank you !
@simon-da-silva you have to remap your controller first
@gaetan yeah just after i wrote my question i,ve looked at that, it's work thx dude !
@simon-da-silva have fun
For everyone, if you want to do some serious tests on Recalbox for Raspberry Pi 3b+, you have to read the first post in this topic.
Testing with a bluetooth xbox one controller and it will not pair, has anyone got this to work with the builtin BT on the Rpi 3+?
Mon petit retour d'expérience sur l'install de recalbox beta sur pi3b+ dans un boitier snes Retroflag
Voila pour l'instant, je continu mais tests
I just installed Recalbox beta on my 3b+ but I have a problem with a video plugin not running in kodi. This IPTV plugin run very well on my 2 rpi3B (not +) with libreelec and recalbox and also on my odroid xu4 under android 8.1. On the B+ it tells me to look in the log file to see the error description. Here it is: 23:31:27.961 T:1925739120 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.xxxxxxxx/
23:31:27.962 T:1925739120 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.xxxxxxxx/) failed
This doesn't occur on my B+ with a retropie image including kodi 17.6.
I have well mapped my controller before anything and the retrogaming is ok, ssh trough my wired network is ok, vido sources are ok in kodi.
Any idea ?
Thank you.
With this beta image (on a new installation on 3+), will it be possible to return to the stable branch when this beta will end or we will have to reinstall the recalbox with a new image ?
Hello, I have downloaded the beta version and tested on my Raspberry 3B+:
Not Works:
Gamesir 3gs wireless gamepad: Gamepad remapped, it works in Recalbox menus but it does not respond in games launched.
Retroarch gui menu settings are not saved: I access to Retroarch gui (hotkey+b) and change in Settings->Video->Bilinear filter from On to Off but this change is not saved, after restarting On value go back.
@mariob There's been a few other posts here (including one I made three weeks ago.) No responses yet. Just keep monitoring this thread.
@marblemad nothing you mentionned is new to this beta
@james-lord no one said their was any improvements on the xbox one controllers. If you want to give it a try, see here
@mariob no idea for that kodi problem
@Choum no you can't switch back to stable, changes are way too diffferent. That's why i said one must use a dedicated sd card
@Alex_123 i'm not sure the gamesir 3gs ever worked. Does it work fine on the stable ? For the RA settings, some are overwritten at each new launch. I don't think there is any change between the stable and the beta here