x64 system running 18.04.20 doesn't work too well
@shamanmogz d**n my bad. Reboot it then
cd / /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation stop /etc/init.d/S92virtualgamepads stop bash -x /etc/init.d/S11share start -
@substring I just realised that although I changed the update option in the UI after a power cycle it hasn't persisted (so my last set of test results was invalid). Maybe I should change the updates.type value in the recalbox.conf file itself? If you agreem what should that value be?
Also on a different note, I have 4x 2GB ram sticks kicking about. I tried to add them in but Recalbox refuses to boot. Is there a max ram limitation (i have a 64 bit processor and am using the 64 bit build). Actually on that note, how do I know if my GT 710 graphics card has been installed properly?
lastly sorry for the delay - was away for the long weekend.
@shamanmogz i'm on holidays for now, ping me in a week for such a delicate topic
- about a month later
@shamanmogz said in x64 system running 18.04.20 doesn't work too well:
My system is a 64bit core 2 DUO (E6750) with a GT710 and 4GBs of RAM, 3TB HDD
Hi Shamanmogz,
I intend to buy a MSI GT 710 1GD3H LP --> according to what you say, GT710 works fine with RecalBox ?Thanks
Well, the GT 710 works with RecalBox.
A bit laggy with Wii and GameCube (I use a 5 year-old compaq Elite, maybe I could tweak a bit) but it works. -
Hi, I'd like to add my experience with the GT 710 on this page: https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/PC-compatibility-(EN)
do I have to create an account, or use the pull request? (or simplier: I tell you my feedback and you paste it^^)Thanks
@sylgaud it's just a wiki, you only need an account
- 15 days later
GT 710 isn't properly seen.
I've tested Wii and GameCube with the GT 710 under Windows 10 --> perfectly smooth, filtered etc...So GT710 not yet compatible with RB.
@sylgaud what's the point of comparing windows and recalbox ???
I'm not comparing, I'm explaining how I came to say that GT710 is not properly handled by RB:- When launching dolphin, I can read up the screen that the GPU is correctly detected (yellow lines telling what GPU is detected, openGL etc..)
- ES, dreamcast, N64 perfectly smooth and sharp.
These 2 experiences let me think that GPU was correctly detected.
But as I could see under windows, it is not .
Indeed, wii and gamecube are waaayyyy smoother under Windows than RB.So no complaining or comparison, only some tests to get some more precise and final answers.
@sylgaud how many GPU do you have on your setup ?
2: the integrated INTEL SANDYBRIDGE, and the PCI MSI GT 710(... pretty obvious to say, but of course, when I plug the MSI in, I use the corresponding VGA port, and not the Intel's one...)