With Version 7.2.2, is there a way now to control the video effects? I want to just blend in the video in a TV-Frame without the rotation-animation.
With Version 7.2.2, is there a way now to control the video effects? I want to just blend in the video in a TV-Frame without the rotation-animation.
Moonlight is working again under 7.2.2 , but only in sdl mode (software decoder)
There is a fix on the way for the hardware decoder, but it isnt out yet.
What does this mean? 1080p 60 fps doesnt work (unless you like artifacts)
You get the best results if you set your moonlight.conf to the following values:
codec= h264 (h265 is gray flickering all the time)
width = 1920
height = 1080
fps = 30
or if you want 60fps:
codec= h264
width = 1280
height = 720
fps = 60
thats all
(everything testet in LAN mode)
Die erste Frage ist einmal, ob die hier im Forum überhaupt richtig bist.
Hier ist das Recalbox-Forum. Und Recalbox ist im Aufbau etwas völlig anderes als Retropie.
Aber vielleicht hast du dich ja nur verschrieben...kann ja passieren
I see, my link to the last working Geforce Experience Version is dead. I place here a working one:
It seems that after the 7.2 update , even with the Workaround (restart ES over web-ui) Moonlight doesnt work anymore.
The initial Problem was mentioned in this closed Article:
I didnt tried a complete reinstall yet. I will test this soon.
with this shader as source, i was able to fix the crt-pi shader for RPI4
I tweaked some values , so that the shader looks as close as the one on RPI3 (reduce moire effect, deactivate mask for real colour)
I didnt found a source for the barrel and mask shader (maybe special recalbox shaders?), so this was the only one i could fix for now.
Just copy the crt-pi.glsl file to /recalbox/share/shaders/lr/crt-pi
Hope i could help
It simply doesnt.
Like i said. If its a fresh install or my upgraded system...it doesnt work
Ive done everything like you said, but no difference.
Ive flashed a new 7.1.1 image to a second sdcard, but it is just the same
...still broke
Still the same with 7.1.1
The zfast crt shaders arent bad, but i like the old crt-pi shaders much more.
Error is still the same with 7.1-Reloaded
@Pastaga84 yeah...i really tried out every possibility for 2 days, so that nobody have to go through the same process.
Thanks for the replys.
If i would stay alone with it, it maybe never get a priority to fix.
It looks like every type of crt-pi shader isnt working with a rpi4.
We have to wait for a fix
OK, i have some new results after a day of testing:
Recalbox-Version 7.0.1
Moonlight works with the newest Nvidia driver and Geforce Experience v. (everything greater that Version dont work yet)
You can download the official release here:
So there is still the Problem with "no hdmi signal until i restart emulationstation via web frontend" ...maybe it could be fixed if moonlight embedded get b*mped to v. 2.4.11
...but for now i have to live with it ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I did a fresh install of recalbox 7.0.1 but i have the same problem
@Zing I appreciate your effort, but this is my own post xD.
Additional information: I deleted everything from nvidia with the DDU uninstaller.