Thanks a lot! Using "fbalibretro.shaders" instead of "fba_libretro.shaders" did the trick!
Posts made by Yoakin
RE: Shaders set via recalbox config are not applied for FBA
RE: Shaders set via recalbox config are not applied for FBA
The version is 4.0.0-build-121.
Shaders set via recalbox config are not applied for FBA
Hey everyone.
I have the following problem:
I set up some default shaders for different systems via the recalbox config. For example for Gameboy with gb.shaders=/recalbox/share_init/shaders/dot.glslp. And so on.
Works perfectly for all systems except FBA. I've set the CRT Caligari shader for FBA with the following command:
fba_libretro.shaders=/recalbox/share_init/shaders/crt-caligari_gamma_125.glslpWhen I start a game with FBA, the shaders are selected in the RetroArch menu but not applied. For every game I have to got in the RetroArch menu and select "Apply shader settings" manually.
How can I make FBA apply autoamtically?
PS: It works for NeoGeo btw (which also uses FBA) with neogeo.shaders command.
RE: Issues after updating to latest version
I was on beta 6 before and all was good.
Then the recalbox autoupdater told me of a new update which I installed. That was the above mentioned version that caused all the issues.Since I found no other solution, I now drastically wiped the entire system and did a clean re-install of beta 4. I will stay clear of updates for now, hoping that this problem will not re-appear.
Controller doesn't work when using own config
I'm sorry if that question has already been answered before, but I couldn't find anything.
I am having the following problem:
I want to save for each system my own shader settings. So I select the shader that I want to use, go to the Retroarch menu and select "Save new config".
In the recalbox config I now assign this new cfg file to the emulator via this command (for SNES for example): snes.configfile=/recalbox/share/system/.config/retroarch/config/snes9x_next.cfgWhen I start a SNES game now, the config is loaded with the correct shader settings but my controls won't work anymore. No inputs are possible.
When I use the retroarchcustom.cfg everything works fine. What am I doing wrong?
RE: [SOFT] Universal XML Scraper V2
It was "ScreenScraper(Mix) - Recalbox v4". I was using the Standard (3img) Mix Image.
RE: [SOFT] Universal XML Scraper V2
I am getting exeptions with the new version. (previous version worked fine)
Whenever I try to do a scrap, it runs into this error:Line 443 - If StringLower($vCompression) = "yes" Then _Compression($aMi ...
Module: Main/
(File "H:\EmulationStation\Games_scraper\Scraper443 - If StringLower($vCompression) = "yes" Then _Compression($aMi ...•
Error: Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.
Environment( AutoIt: - Language:0407 - Keyboard:00000407 - OS:WIN_10 / CPU:X64 - OS:X64 )
Issues after updating to latest version
I need help.
I just got a notification that a update is available for the recalbox. So I did the update and know the recalbox version is: "4.0-rpi3-build-23 2016/10/31 23:59".Since then.. nothing but trouble. So far the following issues came up:
The hotkey commands no longer work. I start a game (testes snes and pcengine so far) and no hotkey command worked. I also tried to reconfigure my button layout, but still no luck.
PC Engine CD games no longer run. They worked fine before, the bios is still in the bios folder and I changed nothing on my roms. I don't know if other systems that require bios are affected as well.
Anyone know a solution?
RE: [BATCH] Scrape your roms on your PC - fastscraper
Hi. I'm new to Recalbox so excuse my silly noob quesion.
First of all, this is working great on PC, thanks a million for that. I ran the fastscraper and ES is displaying all game information perfectly on Windows.
But when I copy the downloaded images folder and gamelist.xml to the corresponding rom folders on Recalbox (or copy the entire rom folder for that matter) the information doesn't show when I restart. What am I doing wrong?