I found a way to auto load overlay by game. i use the --appendconfig in retroarch command line. - I made a file called "gamename".cfg in the same folder as the rom game. - in this file (here i take minestorm.cfg), i put : input_overlay = "/recalbox/share/overlays/vectrex/minestorm.cfg" input_overlay_enable = "true" input_overlay_opacity = "0.500000" input_overlay_scale = "1.000000" custom_viewport_width = "782" custom_viewport_height = "976" custom_viewport_x = "570" custom_viewport_y = "30" Don't confuse, 2 files are named minestorm.cfg one in the rom folder and one in overlay folder. I used this command to lauch the game if [[ "$emulator" == "vectrex" ]]; then /recalbox/scripts/runcommand.sh 4 "$retroarchbin -L $retroarchcores/vecx_libretro.so --config /recalbox/configs/retroarch/vecx_libretro.cfg --appendconfig /recalbox/share/roms/vectrex/$filenameNoExt.cfg "$1"" fi With one .cfg by game, it's possible to resize game/overlay screen.