If you are running Recalbox 9.2 @Testlager adf or whdload games won't run on Amiberry. I think they abandoned it in favour of Libretro instead. I don't even know if Recalbox 9.x have latest Amiberry packages
Posts made by breakbob
RE: AMIGA Games do not start
Amiberry Recalbox 9.2 not launching
Does Recalbox 9.2 on Raspberry Pi5 supports Amiberry? If so what version it is because none of the games are launching - there's dialogue box saying that it might be missing bios or bad rom. All my bios/roms are correct and Amiga games are launching successfully when Libretro PUAE/UAE4ARM is chosen as a default emulator but not Amiberry !
Recalbox Pulstar Update Frozen
I tried to update from Recalbox 8.1.1 to 9.0 and update is stuck in 0:55:52 . I have RetroPi 3B+
RE: Suddenly empty list despite gamelist.xml
Hi @midiwidi
It happened to me before few times when using Skyscrapper to add media to new games and editing gameslist file as a well. Nothing is gone, don't panic. Have you tried restarting to factory settings? Gameslist and Gameslist backup files wont be affected, only favourites lists and might get erased. -
RE: Recalbox SD card cloning issue
Surerly will stick to USB . Any good recommendation for brands? I use Sandisk models and they never failed me. Not recommending Verbatim , SD and USB failed for me before
RE: Recalbox SD card cloning issue
Thanks @zing I didn't know each card have different size - every time I try to write image on Kingston card I have message on Win32Imager that isn't enough space and some files contains some data. It makes all sense now! I will have to install fresh image and copy files to Share partition manually or just buy USB stick and store all roms there since I'm removing my SD card quite often to add more roms and it's awkward sometimes (and I lost one SD 128GB already)
Recalbox SD card cloning issue
Hello , I know it's boring to death subject but this is never happened to me before.
I have recently created Recalbox 7.2 64GB backup with Win32Imager and decided to put it on another brand new SD card for experimenting. Both cards have the same letters and file system assignments (E:fat32, Recalbox ; F:exFat, Share) and both are readable in Windows, etc. However when I boot Recalbox from this new SD card it's behaving like it's from the first fresh installation, disk is showing 100% full and SHARE partition isn't visible at all, looks like card isn't mounting at all. I didn't have issues before with different images, the only difference now is the brand - old card is SanDisk and new one is Kingston. I don't really want to install new Recalbox again and copy all folders manually to Share partition -
RE: Recalbox 7.2 gameslist update issue
Than you @zing , I think it might be also something wrong with config file but when I checked .xml game list file all the paths to games image were deleted. I restored Recalbox to factory settings and I scraped all C64 games on Skraper. I have account there now and scraped games successfully (I only had to add 50 patches to screenshots for not found games) So it's good it was just matter of few hours of work. I'm making backup of each system now if anything happens again
Recalbox 7.2 gameslist update issue
I recenty added few new games to my Recalbox and I updated gameslist from general menu - this update wiped off my Commodore C64 images path from C64 gameslist xml file! I spent days adding and editing this xml file to make EVERY C64 game having a screenshot shown and now there's none. I didn't make a backup of C64 folder or xml file - I just have backup of entire RC7.2 image on the cloud.
I'm truly not impressed if not p*** off , because one click of button should not have cause this problem! -
RE: Update to 7.2 --> no sound
I had no in-game sounds but after restoring ES to Factory settings I can confirm the sound is back. Still don't know how to mix in-game sounds with custom music I put for ES main menu.
Delete button RECALBOX 7.2
What's happened to Delete Game option in Edit Game Metadata in Recalbox 7.2. ? You can hide unwanted games but not delete or am i missing something?
RE: Recalbox 7.2. DOSBOX not launching games
@Pitch64 Oh joy! I zipped Dreamweb game and it worked! My all DOS games are unzipped so I have some task ahead of me, but yeah I'm happy and so thankful, I wouldn't have guess it myself !!
Recalbox 7.2. DOSBOX not launching games
I upgraded my RB to 7.2 because I was hyped about simplicity of DOSBOX being Plug & Play without complexity setup but I don't see any change, games are not loading, DOSBOX launches to command line (this an example for Prawo Krwi game)
Z:\set ROOT=recalbox/share/roms/dos/Prawo.pcI followed instructions and created directory a10.pc where I created Prawo.bat file with following commands:
This game doesn't have .DAT file but I wrote this command line anyway
I tried edit bat file for another game like A10 Tank Killer but it have a.exe instead a10.exe and 5 DAT files which aren't titled a10 (mname1.dat, mname2.dat, mname3.dat, player.dat, top1.dat) and I'm not sure which one should be entered in a command line? -
RE: Help on updating from 6 to 7
sod's law, i hope you have a backup!
I would start with fresh copy of Recalbox 7.1.1 , check all tutorials on YT , even in French! I don't have time to explain everything as I'm still learning.
Few months back I had trouble with formatting 128gb card but when I finally did it and copied all my ROMs there I lost SD card!
So now I'm back with spare SD 64gb which image I keep in the Cloud as a backupSo even now I'm sitting on Skraper because it doesn't scrape all my images properly but this is subject for another thread
RE: Help on updating from 6 to 7
@Pepeu You can't update Recalbox from 6.0 to 7.0 or 7.1.1
I've been there...You need to start fresh copy at 7.1.1. and then you can copy all the roms from 6.0.0 (after making backup of it of course!) Recalbox 7.1.1. have great new SHARE partition for BIOS and ROMs you can copy and paste there. It took me several weeks to be happy with my new 64Gb Recalbox and I'm nearly there -
RE: [Recalbox 9] Theme Dreambox
@breakbob nevermind , found all in Virtual System menu
RE: [Recalbox 9] Theme Dreambox
Great work, salut!
I have it installed but I can't see other menus for stuff like ARCADE, PINBALL, ect. I don't have these folders in my ROMs folder either (basically all "auto-" stuff) . how to create these custom folders ? -
Recalbox Jukebox?
Hello. It there any music player for Emulation Station?
I love the idea of Recalbox supporting .mod .xm .it modules but I noticed not all of them are playing in the ES background? I would love to have control what is playable or not. I'm not really big fan of Kodi, rarely using it. Some arcade Recalbox Jukebox playing even mp3 would be an awesome addition -
RE: Quick game search on Recalbox 7.1.1
@Zing Thank you, I did everything, plugged RPI to different monitor and I had picture, then I plugged original arcade game which came with the cabinet and still had grey screen but sound was coming from the game. I found some horror stories of people damaging their screen with wrong PCB HDMI converter, which was sending wrong signal, resetting their display, etc. then I noticed I also bought wrong one, that's why bottom of the ES menu was cutting off in the first place! So while I was looking for replacement monitor on eBay I ordered correct converter suitable for my Arcade1Up display. I connected today and...
It worked! Display is sharp as supposed to be, all in great 4:3 ratio!
I literally went down on my knees and kissed my cabinet, hahaha!
Glad I didn't tell my wife (since she paid for my arcade cabinet) but I promised to myself to be careful and read everything twice before making a decision - and stop tinkering with Arcades and just enjoy playing it!
Thank you again for listening and replying