@Zing Thank you, I did everything, plugged RPI to different monitor and I had picture, then I plugged original arcade game which came with the cabinet and still had grey screen but sound was coming from the game. I found some horror stories of people damaging their screen with wrong PCB HDMI converter, which was sending wrong signal, resetting their display, etc. then I noticed I also bought wrong one, that's why bottom of the ES menu was cutting off in the first place! So while I was looking for replacement monitor on eBay I ordered correct converter suitable for my Arcade1Up display. I connected today and...
It worked! Display is sharp as supposed to be, all in great 4:3 ratio!
I literally went down on my knees and kissed my cabinet, hahaha!
Glad I didn't tell my wife (since she paid for my arcade cabinet) but I promised to myself to be careful and read everything twice before making a decision - and stop tinkering with Arcades and just enjoy playing it!
Thank you again for listening and replying
Best posts made by breakbob
RE: Quick game search on Recalbox 7.1.1
RE: Recalbox 7.2. DOSBOX not launching games
@Pitch64 Oh joy! I zipped Dreamweb game and it worked! My all DOS games are unzipped so I have some task ahead of me, but yeah I'm happy and so thankful, I wouldn't have guess it myself !!
RE: Scyscrapper bugged mine Recalbox 7.1.1
@Zing yeah, I definitely try this approach. I will back up my stuff first
many thanks again !
RE: Help on updating from 6 to 7
@Pepeu You can't update Recalbox from 6.0 to 7.0 or 7.1.1
I've been there...You need to start fresh copy at 7.1.1. and then you can copy all the roms from 6.0.0 (after making backup of it of course!) Recalbox 7.1.1. have great new SHARE partition for BIOS and ROMs you can copy and paste there. It took me several weeks to be happy with my new 64Gb Recalbox and I'm nearly there -
RE: Update to 7.2 --> no sound
I had no in-game sounds but after restoring ES to Factory settings I can confirm the sound is back. Still don't know how to mix in-game sounds with custom music I put for ES main menu.
Recalbox Jukebox?
Hello. It there any music player for Emulation Station?
I love the idea of Recalbox supporting .mod .xm .it modules but I noticed not all of them are playing in the ES background? I would love to have control what is playable or not. I'm not really big fan of Kodi, rarely using it. Some arcade Recalbox Jukebox playing even mp3 would be an awesome addition