@Zing said in DOSBox: Games stutter and audio crackles while moving the mouse:
Have you tried that?
Sorry for responding late! I tried it out today. Unfortunately it did not solve the issue. I made some videos for comparison with different settings for vsync and the joystick (apologies for the flickering and ghosting - I'm still in love with my old plasma TV
Video 1 - vsync=true / joystick=auto (game runs fine, but crackles and stutters in other games when moving the mouse):
Video 2 - vsync=false / joystick=auto (game runs fine in the first few seconds, but after that drops down to 10-15 fps):
Video 3 - vsync=false / joystick=none (shows the same issue as in video 2):
As a side note, when setting joystick=none, the virtual keyboard in DOSBox does not work anymore, or to be precise: it cannot be operated with the joystick anymore (works fine when using a USB mouse).
I also noticed that even with vsync=true the game shows some tearing effects. Below is one frame of video 1 (the half-way transparent green and magenta area is caused by my TV):