@kaz69 @Dragu
Hello Guys, using this unofficial DosBox main thread to ask for your help : it's time for me to try my big next project : doing an automatic convertor of the ExoDOS game collection to Recalbox. The collection uses the same version of DosBox, 0.74
So first I would like to do one manually to better understand how to work, and I'm gonna start with one my fav from the nineties : Wacky Wheels.
Now first of all, games will be installed either by my convertor or manually on the computer, so there no need to bother with that.
Secondly I would like to achieve a non dependant path installation, so I want to be able to specify in dosbox.cfg and dosbox.bat if possible, only relatibe path to the game folder (here WackyWhe.pc). The game should then work exactly the same if it is in /recalbox/share/pc/WackyWhe.pc or /recalbox/share/pc/Race/WackyWhe.pc
Is it possible ? It should be I think but I'm not sure where DosBox /EmulationStation is positioned as a folder when it starts
a note on the exoDOS collection architecture, after installation games are found like that :
in eXoDOS_Collection_v2.0\Games!dos\WackyWhe you will find the dosbox.conf and bat file to launch the game
in eXoDOS_Collection_v2.0\Games\WackyWhe are stored the files of the games itself (this folder will be transformed in WackyWhe.pc)
So normally i would copy the folder eXoDOS_Collection_v2.0\Games\WackyWhe as WackyWhe.pc and put inside the dosbox.conf file and the dosbox.bat files both copied or based from/on eXoDOS_Collection_v2.0\Games!dos\WackyWhe
The dosbox.conf is a regular one, so I will show only the autoexec part :
| [autoexec] |
| cd .. |
| cd .. |
| mount c .\games\WackyWhe |
| imgmount d .\games\WackyWhe\cd\wackywheels.iso -t cdrom |
| c: |
| cd wacky |
| cls |
| @ww |
| exit |
Here we can see that the game folder has two children folder, one named cd where the iso of the game is located and one named wacky where the game's installed files are, including main executable ww.exe. We should be able to get rid of the cd.. if we manage to use relative paths ?
The bat file (Wacky Wheels (1994).bat) from exoDOSCollection mainly handles installation which will be already done :
@echo off
@set var=%cd%
cd ..
cd ..
cd ..
IF NOT EXIST ".\games\WackyWhe\" goto none
".\dosbox\dosbox.exe" -conf ".\games\!dos\WackyWhe\dosbox.conf" -noconsole -exit
del stdout.txt
del stderr.txt
if exist .\games\CWSDPMI.swp del .\games\CWSDPMI.swp
goto end
echo Game has not been installed
echo Would you like to install the game?
if errorlevel = 2 goto no
if errorlevel = 1 goto yes
cd %VAR%
call install.bat
goto end
goto end
The dosbox command is useless here as it is already done by Recalbox configgen.
So to me this correspond to dosbox.bat for recalbox, but as the main executable ww.exe is already launched by the [autoexec] part of the dosbox.conf file, my dosbox.bat should be empty ? Can it be empty ?
So my main questions are :
- how to clean/modify the autoexec part to only keep relative path to the game folder ?
- should the dosbox.cfg [autoexec] keep the execution of the ww.exe file (what does the @ in @ww command mean by the way ?) and my dosbox.bat then be empty ?
- or should i remove the call to ww.exe from dosbox.conf and use that in my dosbox.bat file once again using only relative path if possible ?
Thank you for your help