Final Fantasy Tactics Advance after like around 30 seconds it freeze then i'm force to unpower the pi 3 and repower it again but any other GBA games works fine is there a fix for this?
Solved Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Freez?
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance after like around 30 seconds it freeze then i'm force to unpower the pi 3 and repower it again but any other GBA games works fine is there a fix for this?
@shadowxgp try using another core. Press select on the rom, edit metadata and modify the first two lines (look for possible combinations!)
@paradadf ok i'll try that
@paradadf it still's freeze i only have 1 option on the Metadata on the Emulator libretro and default & on the Core only default ?
oh wait i have more on the Core after selecting libretro
@paradadf Thank you so Much keep up the Awesome work
the game works on GPSP
Emulator: libretro
Core: GPSP