Solved Just Getting Started
I've been working on this all for about 4 days now. I have just a quick question.
When I restart my rpi3 everything is back to the way it was at first start. No games are saved (They aren't there to play nor do they show up in the shared folder from my computer), controllers have to be redone everytime, and I have to reenter wifi credentials. Is this normal behavior?
@idurvn no, it's not. How did you install recalbox on your sd card? What kind of setup do you have?
I have a rpi3 B+, 32gb Sandisk microSD and installed recalbox from NOOBS
@idurvn have you try wiping your sd card and installing it again? Some errors are corrected miraculously when users do that ;).
I ended up just installing the OS onto a different card and it worked just fine.