[WIP] * iDEA * A new variation of the simplelight theme
Hey guys,
I've been working on a variation of the simplelight theme that i called iDEA.
The basis of iDEA was made a 'franchise selection' - instead of systems.Here's the actual theme on my RPi3:
Full size screenshots:
http://imgur.com/a/YkzgqWell, im a noobie on themes... so i dunno how to save on svg format - instead i saved the logos on png format (which is preatty heavy). I used 720p resolution for the backgrounds and custom ogg sounds, anyway...
@fagnerpc Despite being very cute, this theme will go against a rule that can't be avoided : you can't mix roms from different systems, because Recalbox won't know how to launch them.
@Substring But it can work if, in its directories, it uses only an emulator as source (by duplicating for example the directory Mame for base and by putting in it only street figther games for Mame) ???
Well... with a little bit of work, it could work like this
Example for a Zelda Collection
<system> <fullname>ZC</fullname> <name>snes</name> <path>/recalbox/share/roms/zc/</path> <extension>.smc .sfc .SMC .SFC .zip .ZIP .mgd .MGD .n64 .N64 .z64 .Z64 .v64 .V64 .gb .GB .gbc .GBC .gba .GBA</extension> <command>python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/configgen/emulatorlauncher.pyc %CONTROLLERSCONFIG% -system %SYSTEM% -rom %ROM% -emulator %EMULATOR% -core %CORE%</command> <platform>snes</platform> <theme>zelda</theme> <emulators> <emulator name="libretro"> <cores> <core>catsfc</core> <core>pocketsnes</core> <core>snes9x_next</core> <core>gpsp</core> <core>mgba</core> <core>meteor</core> <core>gambatte</core> <core>tgbdual</core> <core>fceumm</core> <core>fceunext</core> <core>nestopia</core> <core>quicknes</core> </cores> </emulator> <emulator name="mupen64plus"> <cores> <core>gliden64</core> <core>n64</core> <core>rice</core> </cores> </emulator> </emulators> </system> -
@Nachtgarm Then you must set the emulator + core for each rom ...
It's actually working like this. I tried it
@Nachtgarm I do believe you ! It's just a pain to configure
+ any update would kill the es_systems.cfg
True. Updates would kill all of that
@Nachtgarm Yep, its functional in this way
A little pain to set... but if you use the main emulator as source (the plataform which has the majority of the games) the process will not take that long.
The Street Fight 'series' for example:
The M.A.M.E. is the main platform - i just added the FBA LibRetro (for CPS3 games) and PSX (for some Vs games).