[4.1-Unstable] Bug reports
@Substring One question, do you think performance on a USB stick or solid state HD through usb is higher than a sdcard?
@kelv it's not and totally useless to put a SSD on a USB2 port
@Substring Something is not going great with Kodi in this release and my rpi3. Brand New Vanilla installation and when get into kodi, I try to add Phoenix. I suffered some issues that I worked around installing the dependencies manually. However when I leave Kodi:
- The settings seems to be reset. So no addons, repositories are kept. And it seems to be like a fresh kodi installation. (I tried three times)
- Most of the times I can't relaunch it.
(I never thought I would be on my vacations bugging into Recalbox XD) -
@kelv KODI is evil
Last time i tried anything with kodi, it just worked ...
@grgohr @peterpan123123 Guyz could you paste the resultat of
sdl2-jstest -l
please ? Regarding your PSP problems -
@Substring What the... Not easy to post and not getting a spam warning:-(
"Found 4 joystick(s)
Joystick Name: 'Xin-Mo Xin-Mo Dual Arcade'
Joystick Path: '/dev/input/event0'
Joystick GUID: 03000000c0160000e105000001010000
Joystick Number: 0
Number of Axes: 2
Number of Buttons: 10
Number of Hats: 0
Number of B***s: 0
not a gamepad
Axis code 0: 0
Axis code 1: 1
Button code 0: 288
Button code 1: 289
Button code 2: 290
Button code 3: 291
Button code 4: 292
Button code 5: 293
Button code 6: 294
Button code 7: 295
Button code 8: 296
Button code 9: 297Joystick Name: 'Xin-Mo Xin-Mo Dual Arcade'
Joystick Path: '/dev/input/event1'
Joystick GUID: 03000000c0160000e105000001010000
Joystick Number: 1
Number of Axes: 2
Number of Buttons: 12
Number of Hats: 0
Number of B***s: 0
not a gamepad
Axis code 0: 0
Axis code 1: 1
Button code 0: 288
Button code 1: 289
Button code 2: 290
Button code 3: 291
Button code 4: 292
Button code 5: 293
Button code 6: 294
Button code 7: 295
Button code 8: 296
Button code 9: 297
Button code 10: 298
Button code 11: 299Joystick Name: 'DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick '
Joystick Path: '/dev/input/event2'
Joystick GUID: 03000000790000000600000010010000
Joystick Number: 2
Number of Axes: 5
Number of Buttons: 12
Number of Hats: 1
Number of B***s: 0
not a gamepad
Axis code 0: 0
Axis code 1: 1
Axis code 2: 2
Axis code 3: 3
Axis code 4: 4
Button code 0: 288
Button code 1: 289
Button code 2: 290
Button code 3: 291
Button code 4: 292
Button code 5: 293
Button code 6: 294
Button code 7: 295
Button code 8: 296
Button code 9: 297
Button code 10: 298
Button code 11: 299
Hat code 0: 16Joystick Name: 'DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick '
Joystick Path: '/dev/input/event3'
Joystick GUID: 03000000790000000600000010010000
Joystick Number: 3
Number of Axes: 5
Number of Buttons: 12
Number of Hats: 1
Number of B***s: 0
not a gamepad
Axis code 0: 0
Axis code 1: 1
Axis code 2: 2
Axis code 3: 3
Axis code 4: 4
Button code 0: 288
Button code 1: 289
Button code 2: 290
Button code 3: 291
Button code 4: 292
Button code 5: 293
Button code 6: 294
Button code 7: 295
Button code 8: 296
Button code 9: 297
Button code 10: 298
Button code 11: 299
Hat code 0: 16" -
@peterpan123123 d**n "not a gamepad" ... I'll have to do like i did with my very first ppsspp configgen
@Substring After the last unstable release (26.02.) i got a black screen on dreamcast games. Sound is still there and the game is running. An idea?
Unstable version 26.02. // rpi3 // 64gb
@Skazz no probs here
@Substring on sat**day I changed some parts in the Emu.cfg but nothing happened. But after the update I got a Black Screen. Can you send me the original emu.cfg? Thx!
Edit: found the file and test it tomorrow.
@Substring Not for being a nightmare but there is something wrong in the latest 4.1 unstable release. I noticed in the fresh vanilla instalations I did in both sd cards that when you change something in recalconfig.conf is not reflecting well on the menu after rebooting. Even when changing things on the menu are not persisted or reflected after rebooting.
For example the kind of setup is always back to stable, no matter it's changed on the file or on the menu. The same with the overclock. That back up my theory with kodi that is also not persisting the changes. Pls could it be any folder or mount that is only r instead of r,w?
@kelv Most of the sd card is RO (for read only), but this never prevented kodi from working. That is UNLESS your share is mounted as read-only because of a file system error (check dmesg)
Regarding the updates, and what really surprises me, is that the new unstable we released on sunday has a very important feature : updating the recalbox.conf. We made it the good way : it retrieves your previous settings of course. So if you set to unstable, and after updating to the last unstable, it still forces stable, i'm getting veeeeeeery suspicious, as my 4.1 SDs work flawlessly
@Substring I found the "bug".
In the new recalbox.conf there is a new line for dreamcast (at the end):
dreamcast.videomode=DMT 9 HDMI
When I set the videomode to DMT4 HDMI then everything works again.
For the future it could be nice to have a documentation of the changes of the recalbox.conf.
Is there a documentation about these videomodes?[Update]
Found this one:
Which videomode was before? -
@Skazz a documentation about these video modes ? Dude, it's just common raspberry stuff ... You can have a look at https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Video-configuration-detailled-(EN) also
I have problems with Dreamcast emulator too. It plays only windowed, not in fullscreen. I had to set the config to CEA 16. It there a other way to play in fullscreen? I reset the config to get a clean one, but nothing changed.
@badges3000 same trick as N64 : we use lower resolution for performance. You should check how your tv/monitor upscales, it's not a bug on recalbox side
Suggestion: the videomodes (especially for PSX DC N64) could be changeable via the Recalbox menu. Like the selection of the emulation in the actual releases.
It would be another great feature. -
@Skazz such a thing could be done for ANY emulator, but this is definitely not a priority in ES. I'd rather have it in the web manager for now + it requires a little knowledge + tvservice must get the good EDIDs (which is not always the case).
Hi, i'm using in pendrive unstable version for pc 64 bits.
I burn the image twice, and i have the same problem, doesnt save the config changes, and If I connect in pc with linux the "share" partition isn't created/accesible ... I thought the first boot is not creating well the share partition. -
@rockaddicted how do I activate the driver correctly?
I usecontrollers.xboxdrv.enabled=0
to deactivate the xboxdrv. After the upgrade to 4.1 my Xbox Controller doesn't work correct.