MadCatz TE FightStick PS3
Merci pour le coup de main Subs on y était presque
les boules
J'ai pris un hub auto alimenté pour tester je posterai quand je l'aurai reçus
@fred dis, les commandes pour passer en usb1 c'est dans
, pas /boot/config.txt. Tu peux rééssayer en ajoutantdwc_otg.speed=1
dans le bon fichier ? Idem pour le voltage USB meme si je doute qu'il ait un effet -
C'est fait sans resultats...
Le HUB ne fait rien de plus, sur certains changement de reglages dans systeme ou boot le joystick se met a repondre puis dés le redemarrage il n'y a plus rien...c'est vraiment trop aleatoire
@Subs tu en pense quoi si je remplace le pcb du stick par un Zero Delay USB Encoder PCB ? Bon, j'ai commandé ça si avec ce truc ça marche pas je me les coupes
@hamon666 tu veux changer le pcb de ton stick exprès ???
Oui l'ancien pcb reste en place, faut juste deconnecter les bouton et le stick et brancher sur l'autre pcb, je pense que ça devrai marcher
et ce pcb marche avec recalbox ?
D'apres mes recherche oui
Hi, since the last posts were written in frensh, i'm not sure if this problem was solved. I'am about to buy a stick to use with recalbox and my ps3. That's why i would like to buy the MadCatz SF IV TE Stick for PS3. Does this stick work with recalbox? Thanks Hannes PS: Great Software!
MadCatz TE FightStick PS3 is not compatible with recalboxOS.
Hi, thanks for the quicl reply What so you suggest? Buy the 360 version or buy any and insert a new PCB? Best regards Hannes
Hello, my MadCatz SF IV TE Stick for PC/PS3 work fine with a xin-mo usb controler
Hi, i understand you are using a new pcb like this: If yes, have you decided for this pcb for a specific reason? What about for excample kitty, cthulu, zero delay and the other pcb vendors? Thanks Hannes
xinmo is supposed to work out of the box w/ recalbox, that's why
i will not says better
Thanks for the answers and sorry for the late reply. I bought a xbox 360 stick which seems to work. But since i had to cut its wires to connect a usb cable and i want to use it on PS3 i have to get a pcb anyways. I followed your recommendation and looked for Xin-Mo. They answered my mail to buy here. They don't have any left According to the pictures there is another webpage. But they write, that the home button is not supported for ps3. Do you know another place where to get it? On ebay and Amazon there are only 2 player pcbs. Or is there another board that works with raspberry and than be bought easily? Thanks Hannes
Hello, go here they can send to international