9 Jan 2017, 00:30

Please forgive me if this question has been asked already...

First off, I understand that the Wii U Pro controller is not yet officially supported. Maybe this info will help with the inclusion in the next version of Recalbox.

I have successfully been using a Wii U Pro controller for a couple weeks, playing NES, SNES, arcade, N64, etc. I just paired a 2nd Wii U Pro controller and it came up as the same name and controller number (in the name) as the 1st controller. I set them as controller 1 & 2. I then starter Super Mario Bros (NES) and picked 2 players. Controller 1 worked for Mario (player 1) and not Luigi (player 2)...and controller 2 worked for Luigi (player 2) and not Mario (player 1). This was PERFECT!

Here's where the problem started...

I turned off the Pi and then turned it back on. I turned on 1 Wii U Pro controller and it connected and worked! I then turned on the 2nd Wii U Pro controller and it tried to connect, but never does. I then re-paired the 2nd controller and it worked perfectly with the 1st.

Here's what I know:

  1. Recalbox will remember the pairing and button layout for both Wii U Pro controllers

  2. Recalbox will ONLY connect with the 1st Wii U Controller that is turned on. I tested this with both controllers. It doesn't matter which one I try to connect. The first one I press will connect and the 2nd one won't connect.

  3. A workaround is is to re-pair the non-connecting controller. This allows me to be able to play 2 player games.

With all this said, my question is...Is there a way to add a line to the CFG file that would allow Recalbox to see the 2 controllers as a different name (or at least controller # in the name). Has this problem occurred with other identical Bluetooth controllers...PS3, etc? Thanks to anyone who can offer any suggestions on this!