[SOFT] Universal XML Scraper V2
Oups !! My fault...
I had added the MIX, but haven't updated the list and preview...
It's done
@cotedeporc Je me suis permis de modifier "légèrement" tes descriptions en y ajoutant un lien sur le sujet de ton Thème
Du coup quand on dl un des mix, dans la fenêtre de sélection, il y a un bouton "Link" en plus qui renvoi sur le fofo
J'ai aussi remis la "source d'inspiration Kent79" présente dans les previews mais plus dans la description... Meme si aujourd'hui ça en est loin, ça fait pas de mal de cité l'inspiration ^^ (l'image de la borne au minimum est de lui ^^)
(ça m'a d'ailleurs permis de voir qu'il y a un bug sur le module de download des MIX : pas de description et l'image empty est identique à la full... faut que je corrige ça :S )
Merci pour les modifs/ajout!
@cotedeporc, @screech, tested and working everything correctly, thank you guys.
@screech said in [SOFT] Universal XML Scraper V2:
As you see you can put your own parameter
and even choose an other software like optipng as post action
@screech This comment makes me think that I could do a second pass on the images in this case with optipng. Have I understood correctly?
If so, what would be the way? Repeating the compression section in config.xml?, or just adding another compressor inside the compression section? -
Sorry @Pepe It's only one post traitment...
But you can choose... pngquant OR optipng OR what you want
But I think you can do pretty the same thing with optipng and pngquant... Only Algorythm are different. (I choose pngquant because it is a little faster than optipng)... But it's not my speciality ^^
If you found a nice "configuration" for one or the other, let me know. Maybe I can change the standard.
@screech Thanks.
It's better pngquant, especially in terms of speed and color reduction, but a combination of two would be perfect for what I'm looking for.
Pngquant does not eliminate / compresses metada what can be between 1% -5% of final weight reduction that added to the reduction of size obtained with pngquant already leaves an interesting file. The possibility of performing a second compression with optipng at the scraping time from uxs and not having to do it manually later, at least for me, would be helpful, it would be less painful to have all systems scraped with 1920x1080 images and an acceptable file size . Your comment made me see the light, but I see that I have misunderstood it, a pity, I will continue doing it manually. -
I'm just thinking :
Maybe you can make a BATCH file
something like :
pngquant --options %1
optipng --options %1And put your batch as the post traitment
never tested that but it may work
@screech It's a good idea, I'll try it. Thanks again.
@screech What a shame, the idea has not worked, I even converted the bat I created in exe in case uxs did not accept the .bat but it did not work.
Can you copy past your bat ? So I can make some test
(and correct UXS if needed
@screech The problem is not the bat itself, by itself it works as much as .bat and as .exe, works from the 2 ways, but when I put it in the config.xml and scrap it does not work. I have tried putting the bat or exe in $path, in ressources folder of uxs and also in the folder of the mix in the folder of the images, also i tried with absolute and relative paths but it have not worked in any of the tests whenever it is called from uxs, if I execute it Separately if it compresses the images well. The bat only contains what you gave me.
pngquant.exe 256 --force --verbose --ordered --speed=1 --ext .png %1 optipng -o7 -strip all %1 config.xml from fool mix:
<Compression> <use>yes</use> <soft>conversor.bat</soft> <parameter></parameter> </Compression> -
normally the bat must be in the "ressources" folder (with pngquant.exe and optipng.exe)
Maybe try to put the absolute path of pngquant and optipng "in" the Batch.
the other thing seems good to me. (Maybe its the empty parameter UXS don't like, not sure...)
You can try this for the bat:
x:\xxx\ressources\pngquant.exe 256 --force --verbose --ordered --speed=1 --ext .png %2
x:\xxx\ressources\optipng -o7 -strip all %2and in the config.xml
</Compression>I can't test right now (I'm at work
) I will give it a try tonight
I have tried the absolute routes already as I commented and also the location of the bat or the exe that I created from the bat on different routes, the first was the logic, everything in the original location, the bat next to pngquant and optipng In resources. None of these situations is the cause, now I think from the first moment that the problem would be the config.xml and the parameter line, I tried with it as I put it before and completely eliminated it and it did not work for any The 2 ways, I will try with dummy as you tell me that I could go there the thing.Mmm i see %2 in your code, why second parameter?
Thanks again
UXS launch an execution like "<soft>" "<parameter>" "ImageFilePath"
So if you put "Dummy" as parameter, with you batch it will be :
conversor.bat Dummy "ImageFilePath"
(Dummy became %1 and "ImageFilePath" became %2)
So you don't need %1 (Dummy) only %2Thank you for doing the Test ^^ I'm really stuck right now till tonight...
@screech My joy in a well, unfortunately I have not been able to make it work this way either :'-(
Je suis actuellement en train de tester Universal XML Scrapper et j'ai besoin de comprendre à partir de quoi le scrapper cherche les jeux.
J'ai cru comprendre qu'il se basait sur le nom du fichier qui devait être connu de la base de screenscraper.
Toutefois je me suis amusé à nommer 2 roms : 688 Attack Sub (E) et 688 Attack Sub (U) (non déclarés dans la base de screenscraper) et cela marche quand même ... sauf qu'il m'attribut systématiquement la cover US.Donc XML Scrapper est bien capable de matcher le nom du fichier avec sa base de jeux mais ne cherche pas à détecter la région du jeu dans le nom du fichier?
@Pepe Sorry I have'nt the time to test this WE :S I'll do it as soon as I can.
Si tu va dans la configuration générale, tu apercevras une option "mode de recherche".
Tu peux donc choisir : CRC+filename ou filename tout court.
en CRC + Filename, UXS va calculer le Hash de ton fichier pour le faire correspondre avec une rom connue de la BDD. s'il ne trouve pas il cherchera par le nom du fichier.Par conséquent. Si c'est ta rom (U) que tu as renommé en (E), il est tout à fait normal qu'il trouve 2 fois le jeux US (Renommer un fichier ne change pas son CRC).
ça permet justement aux personnes qui ont "mal" renommer leurs fichiers d'avoir les info correspondant réellement à leurs roms.Si tu veux qu'UXS se base uniquement sur le nom de fichier. tu as simplement à choisir Filename dans le mode de recherche.
Attention cependant, il y a un fallback sur les infos recherchées.
Si par exemple (je n'ai pas vérifié) le jeu 688 Attack Sub ne possède qu'une cover US dans la BDD. et que tu scrapes le jeu EU. Il va d'abord chercher la EU, mais s'il ne la trouve pas (inexistante par exemple) il va ensuite récupérer la US pour ne pas laisser "à vide".Toujours dans la config Générale, tu as le fallback d'indiqué, tu en as même 2 :
1 au niveau de la région (pour les médias, le nom du jeu, les dates de sortie,...) et un pour la langue (pour le synopsys, le genres, ...)Pour la langue en FR, de base c'est : fr|en|wor (en gros FRançais, ENglish, WORld)
Pour la région c'est : %COUNTRY%|fr|eu|wor|ss|us|jp|cus (%Région de la Rom%, FRançais, EUrope, WORld, ScreenScraper, USa, JaPon, CUStom)@paradadf Thank you for the info
never heard about %~dp0, it's great