Hi, the new just come out.
A lot's of change :
° Better stability on downloaded images (Some never download :S and miss in the MIX)
° Dynamique Handle to API server, now I can force the server to ask (for the futur when we have a fallback server
or country based server )
° Lot's of new Picto media (Nb of player, Notes, Classification, Editor, Developer, Genre) -> Beta it can change soon.
° Added 3 news MIX Template for Bigshot Theme with these new picto (1 is directly on local, the 2 other are on the repository, you can download them directly from UXS)
- WARNING Added things that can "broke" you existing MIX Template
° You need to put the full Xpath to the Source_Value node (exemple : Game need to start by 'Data/jeu/' and System by 'Data/systeme [id="%IDSYSTEM%"]')
° The CENTER/LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN function in Target_TopLeftX, Target_TopLeftY (and other) now take the "origin" point of the picture (default are TopLeft corner of the Picture)
° You can now use Target_OriginPicX and Target_OriginPicY to fixe the origin point of the picture. So now to center a picture you need to put :
- <Target_TopLeftX>CENTER</Target_TopLeftX>
- <Target_OriginPicX>CENTER</Target_OriginPicX>
- <Target_TopLeftY>CENTER</Target_TopLeftY>
- <Target_OriginPicY>CENTER</Target_OriginPicY>
(The Origin point of the picture will be the center, and we center this origin point to the final picture)
This is exemple of the New MIX for BigShot Template :