[Resolved] Roms on USB Sticks
Hi, i found a thread on how to enable usb sticks for storing roms but i sadly dont speak french and dont understand a word even with google translate. could somebody translate me the necessary steps? http://blog.recalbox.com/forums/topic/tuto-utilisez-une-clef-usb-pour-stocker-les-roms/
thank you very much!
Hi I looking forward untill tomorrow when i can install recalbox, forgot the power supply at work! I am a total noob at this. If any of you got time, i would really appreciate if this could be explained in a really noobish way:D PS. Me and my intern made a lasercut shell today, it almost fit perfect, some more job to do
Thx / Rikard (swe)
what exactly dont you understand? this is a noob version imo and i got it working in 20 mins. only thing i struggled with was to save at the end.