RTL8723BU support
Hello guys I was wondering if this particular bluetooth wifi chipset will be supported in a future release of recalbox? if not how do I compile a driver for it for use in recalbox?
most of times you do not need to compile the driver but just upload the firmware in the right place. If so, just tell us which fw and where you uploaded it on your recalbox and we can add it in a future release
@subs Does that mean I could just compile the driver on a linux machine and put it into recalbox and it should work? There's one for raspbian based on this guide http://matthewdippel.blogspot.com/2016/02/howto-build-rtl8723bu-for-raspbian.html but I don't know if it'll work on recalbox.
So you need to compile a kernel object ... Well, bad news, you need to create a buildroot package
@subs @Manifester is this chipset used a lot. Is it worth it to create this package?
@ian57 the question is rather "is it included in the recent firmware pr ?". There was a pr on 4.1 to add more firmwares that already have a package but were not compiled so far
@subs ok, we should take a look to that
@ian57 I dunno if this particular chipset is used a lot but I know its going to used in this add on to RPI zero https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1728237598/hubpiwi-raspberry-pi-zero-hub-with-wifi-no-cable-c according to this http://matthewdippel.blogspot.com/2016/09/howto-getting-hubpiwi-blue-drivers.html but I have no idea if the guys who are doing the project has a driver for it. Most of the ones I found on ebay use this particular chipset for their wifi and bluetooth usb dongle http://www.ebay.com/bhp/usb-wifi-bluetooth so maybe? based on what I googled most of these use the RTL8723BU chipset according to aliexpress https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/WIFI-Bluetooth-4-0-USB-Wireless-WIFI-USB-Adapter-LAN-Network-LAN-Card-Portable-Mini-AP/323921_32619540196.html. But yeah I just wanted to know if you guys will add the driver for it in a future package or point me to a tutorial where I can do it myself if that's not too much trouble.
err so can anyone help me regarding his problem?
Adding it yourself ... This all depends on your knowledge in IT. This won't be as easy s following a tutorial for raspbian, it's much more complicated. As I said, this driver might be included in a recent change on the 4.1 branch, i have to check. Haven't had the time yet