Black screen after startup
i have a problem because after the startup, if i don,'t choose shift for config menu, the screen goes black and nothing seems to answer.
If i enter the config menu with shift key, when i keave it the screen gets black too.During that i can access by web interface, but by ssh the default password for root recalboxroot doesn;t work (what is the password ?)
thank you
Hi, do you have a hdmi to dvi or hdmi to vga convertor ? -
You have the correct ssh password. Are you sure you are connecting as root?
- topic:timeago_later,8 days
I believe you may have the same problem that I was dealing with. After hitting shift at startup, click Edit config (e)
then change
hdmi_drive=1click OK and then problem should be solved. (If you have that DVI - HDMI cable issue I had).
this didn't work for me sadly. I use a dvi monitor and set it for dvi correctly but after a restart that doesn't involve pulling the plug for 3 seconds its a black screen. Strange part for me is that I had it working perfectly but I screwed up an unrelated aspect of my sd card so I just said oh well and reflashed a fresh install, set it up as before including dvi but I get the black screen now. everything else works great including jack audio lirc for kodi, on/off/reset/led, usb encoder, etc. its an slightly older gateway monitor if that matters at all.