Solved Can't start basic installation - 'sh: can't access tty' error
Do you have anything on the GPIO ? Could you try running raspbian or retropie if you still have them at hand. Looks like your pi is booting in safe mode
@subs The GPIOs are free. Retropie is running without any problem. I also saw other hints about jumpers on re(set). Tomorrow I will get a Raspi 3 and check if it works with this one...
Sd formatter on win 10 ? If yes, are your sure fat32 partition not exfat ?
@acris Here is the card's content:
can you try to remove
from therecovery.cmdline
? It should be a regular (linux) text file, open with an approriate text editor that supports linux end line -
@subs The content of this file is as following:
"runinstaller quiet ramdisk_size=32768 root=/dev/ram0 init=/init vt.cur_default=1 elevator=deadline silentinstall"
Should I try to add this? -> "avoid_safe_mode=1"
right after silentinstall, before the double quote -
@subs That solved it, working now!!! Thanks, mate!
topic solved