Recalbox not booting properly on Rpi 4
Hey! I'm new to the Forum here so sorry if something is off with my post!
I'm looking for some help!
I have:
Rpi 4B 8GB
SD card Sandisk 32 GB
charger (original)
8bitdo Ultimate C (tested with the wired and the 2.4g one, I have both)Context: So I already tried installing Recalbox with different SD cards and I always have the same issue.
I installed it through Rpi Imager on my PC with no issues.
When I insert the SD card on my Raspberry it boots, I can see the loading screen (I know it's creating the share partition) but I never get the controller to work, no matter what. After the loading screen, I see a Pulstar screen with some Pacman guys and then it goes blank.
After that, on my computer when I plug the SD I can see the share partition folder, I always add a game to test.
Back on the Pi I see the Recalbox intro, the controller doesn't seem to connect and the screen is blank again.
I installed Retropie on another SD (that I previously tested Recalbox) and it works fine! But I really wanted to use Recalbox. I searched a lot but I couldn't find anything that was able to solve my problem.
Hi @julietazon
Could you try the same without your 8bitdo pad ?
Please check with another pad.
Tell me the result -
admin 10 Oct 2024, 00:00