68 Views and not one answer
Maybe the PS2 Emulator in Recalbox isn't working at all and the "Recalbox-Team" is too cowardly to tell us.
Did someone get the Sony PS2 Emulator to work in Recalbox 9.1 Pulstar on a PC ?
If yes, it would be nice if you can tell me how.
I got all the right BIOS (two Versions from two Sources) and the MD5-Checksums for all the Files are OK, and they are all named the right Way.
Got Gamefiles from different Sources, but all are in ISO Format, can't find any in different Format, for Example BIN or CHD.
Put all the Files in the right Folders, but nothing works, it doesn’t matter which Emulator (Libretro PCSX2 or PCSX2) I use.
First I got a Black Screen, than it goes back to the Emulationstation, telling me that a BIOS-File is missing or wrong.
So how does the Sony PS2 Emulator in Recalbox works ?
So nobody is using the PS2 Emulator in Recalbox and it seems that nobody knows how to get it work and whats the Problem with the "missing or wrong BIOS" Message is.
68 Views and not one answer
Maybe the PS2 Emulator in Recalbox isn't working at all and the "Recalbox-Team" is too cowardly to tell us.
Resending your topic, over and over again, and start to trolling won't help to solve your problem.
Anyway, could you provide hardware details of your PC ?
It's a PC with a 64 Bit 2,4 Ghz Dualcore Processor, 4 GB RAM, a HDD and a Graphics Card.
This has absolutley nothing to with my Hardware, because other Emulators in Recalbox are running fine.
No, it's another "Feature" (aka Bug) of Recalbox which go worser and worser with each new Version.
So if there is a possibilty to run the PS2 Emulator please tell me, if you don't know please should up.
@AIX I would need more details, it's too general with a "Dual core" and a "Graphics Card" there's not a unique one, there's so many ....
But I suspect the hardware is too low for running PS2.
Other emulators could run fine because this hardware is enough to run it.