Hey, I had Recalbox 7.1.1. running on my Raspi 3.
Now put the version 9 image on the SD Card, but the monitor shortly seems to connect, but then it says "no signal"
I wrote the image on the card again, but it does not do anything.
Any hints?
Hey, I had Recalbox 7.1.1. running on my Raspi 3.
Now put the version 9 image on the SD Card, but the monitor shortly seems to connect, but then it says "no signal"
I wrote the image on the card again, but it does not do anything.
Any hints?
@ando I tried the retropie image on the same sc card, that does work.
What could be wrong with the Recalbox image?
same problem, have a sd card with 8.0.2 in nespicase with PI3B works perfectly,
Recalbox 9 clean install, boot, then lose signal (sometimes i get intermitent screen, 2 second, then black screen again...)
Retropie and recalbox older version work
I have same problem here.
Recalbox 9 doesn't boot when I try to use it on raspberry Pi.
I had Recalbox 8 and it worked perfectly. I updated to 9 and it stopped to boot. I've made a clean install and it kept not booting.
@tiago_SF A mi me pasaba igual, no habia manera de que funcionara con instalacion limpia de Recalbox 9, pero probe a grabar la imagen con el programa Etcher y me funcionó, con Win32 disk imager no, la razon de porque pasa esto la desconozco totalmente.