I'm running Recalbox 8 and using a RPI4. The 8Bitdo bluetooth controller pairs fine but whenever i restart or reboot Recalbox i have to go in and manually re-pair bluetooth connection each time. Is there a way to make it so Recalbox automatically recognizes and pairs with the controller when i turn it on?
8Bitdo controller won't auto pair on reboot
I'm running Recalbox 8 and using a RPI4. The 8Bitdo bluetooth controller pairs fine but whenever i restart or reboot Recalbox i have to go in and manually re-pair bluetooth connection each time. Is there a way to make it so Recalbox automatically recognizes and pairs with the controller when i turn it on?
Unfortunately I have exactly the same problem. I have the 8Bitdo SN30 Pro gamepad. The latest firmware (v1.38) is installed.
Hi, I found something about this here on this Board:
admin 22 Jun 2022, 00:00