My set up:
| * Raspberry Pi 3B+ |
| * Micro SD Sandisk Ultra 128 GB |
| * Recalbox 8.0.2 via offical site |
| * Samsung UE49KS7000 via HDMI |
global.videomode=default (to force always 720p and avoid resolution changes in my tv. My screen would go black for some seconds when entering and exiting games otherwise, even if set to 1280x720)
I don't have the black screen issue but ES loses its sound sometimes, I have occasional freezes and then the unavoidable freeze if I enter Retroarch. It doesn't also recognize retro achievements!
I'm not going to complain or say something unproductive. I just had a Recalbox 6 DragonBlaze before and I only updated it to be able to have retro achievements with PSX and SegaCD that required a most recent version of Retroarch.
This is unplayable right now and I can not go back! so I BEG you to PLEASE provide a link to download the latest recalbox 7.X.X at least while the issues with 8.X are fixed.
Please help me downgrade!