3 Feb 2022, 22:02


Is there a way to save highscores in Libretro Mame (current / 0.235) / Recalbox 8.0.1 (for PC)?
I searched all over the web but either the instructions are outdated, for older versions of Recalbox or for the other Mame cores (2003, 2010, 2015, etc.).
All these other cores have the hiscore.dat in their correspondent /recalbox/share/bios/mame...XY/ folder. Putting the actual hiscore.dat in /recalbox/share/bios/mame/ has no effect, probably because the highscore save mech was changed to a plugin in later versions of Mame?!
Is there a switch I missed in the retroarch-core-options.cfg?

Kind regards, Chris.