23 Jan 2022, 02:25

Hi !

So I bought this Retrofit Gamecube USB controller. It's this one : https://www.amazon.ca/-/fr/RET00068/dp/B074CPY67J
I can't find it on Retro-bit web site... which is weird, but ok why not.

When I try to configure the gamepad on Recalbox, and/or directly in Dolphin, I can map every button, except the C-stick left/right. I tried to plug the controller on my Mac and the C-stick button seems to be working. I even tried to edit the GCPadNew.ini file but it's not working. It appears the c-stick left/right is just not working on Recalbox or Linux.

It's annoying because I obviously bought this controller specifically to play Gamecube games on the Recalbox 😕
I don't know if the C-stick is really needed on much games, but still.

Anyone has an idea to help me there ?
I'm still searching, but I don't know what to do now I can't even find the controller on Retro-bit web site...