Reprogramming controls from menu?
Hey guys. I just started with all this. I'm a TOTAL noob.
For those familiar, I got my box from the Arcade Guys. It is running a Recalbox using a Pi 400.
What I'm having trouble with is programming controls for individual games without having to open the cabinet physically to access the keyboard on the Pi (I assume that's one way of doing it).
I would like to find out if there is a way to access each individual game controls FROM THE MENU?
For example, I have a 4 player cabinet so with games like Battle Zone, or Robotron 2084, it would be nice to change it so you can use both player 1 joystick and player 2 joystick for controls like the original standup arcades.
Any help is appreciated.
@rob2e Recalbox uses some standalone consoles, each of which has a different way to configure. But, in most cases, it is Retroach that manages the cores used, and Retroarch has a function for that which you want.
Open a game in retroarch (NES or SNES for example), and press Hotkey + B, this will open the Retroarch menu, in this menu you can configure several things and then save the configuration per game (Quick Menu -> Save Game Overrides )
Look this:
But, it's possible to create a config overrides file manually, which can be easier than editing game by game (not necessarily, but it tends to be):
You can create this file on a computer and access Recalbox over the network using the file explorer, or over SSH:
Hey guys. I just started with all this. I'm a TOTAL noob.
I recommend that you read the documentation:
And watch the official video tutorials on youtube:
And, if you like it, access the official Recalbox Discord if you want:
- 13 days later
@zing Oh man. ThanX so much, I'll dig into this. It's very frustrating to have 17000 ROMs and not be able to play half of them.