Megadrive roms not showing
Not sure what is wrong but I'm having issues with with megadrive roms, none of them are showing, it's the only one I've had issues with having added roms to most of the others.
I have done the usual thing of adding the roms in this case .md files into the SHARE/roms/megadrive folder but they don't show up event after updating the games list. Being new to this I'm not sure if there is something really obvious I've not done/done right, so any help would be great
@azean hi
is your ES set on "gamelist only" ? Did you scrap the folder ?
Is there a gamelist in the folder ? -
Hi @Scavy
Nope there is no gamelist xml in the folder, I have used the scraper but doesn't seem to do anything and I'm not sure what ES stands for, sorry
@azean Are your roms .md files?
@bkg2k Yep they are. I seem to have found a work around, manually write the gamelist xml, seems to do the job and now i know there i supposed to be one in the folder I thought I would try it, though I don't know why it didn't generate one automatically
Thanks though
@azean it's not normal that there's no gamelist created.
Did you try with an other format ? (zip... check the readme file in the megadrive folder). -
It seems you have the issue with no .md file visible, it would be fine to confirm by testing others file extensions for this system.
Otherwise, this is an issue fixed for the next version -
@azean This bug is fixed in the next version.
Until then, just zip your roms: they take less spaces and .zip files work flawlessly -
@bkg2k Thanks, I will do that
admin 2 Mar 2022, 00:00