Disabled gamepad in duckststion
Hardware: Pi 4 - 4gb
Power supply: 5V 3A Power Supply
Recalbox 8
Built From: Pre made from website pi4 image
USB: logitech keyboard
Controller: saitek x-box 360 controller
VideoOut: crt-tv via composite !Solute!
Could somebody say to me how configurate gamepad in duckstion core? It disabled when run games....
As it stand alone emu i could not get RA settingsWell, i took usb-keyboard to try configurate it, press Esc - entered to menu:
Then chose "exit game" and entered next menu:
Chose - Settings, appear next menu:
Ok, but how could entered to buttons mapping menu from this by keyboard??
IGA 10 Dec 2021, 18:31
IGA 10 Dec 2021, 18:53
Now with experiments with config files i've lost ability to enter in QuickMenu ( esc on keyboard) - it lost and not worked now....
And what a difference between E:\system\duckstation.cfg and E:\system.config\duckstation\settings.ini ?
It's the same file? In both:
FastForward = Keyboard/Tab
OpenQuickMenu = Keyboard/Escbut when press Esq nothing happened now....
So where required configurable file? -
This is a bug we spotted and a fix is planned to use only 1 ini file
@pitch64 said in Disabled gamepad in duckststion:
This is a bug we spotted and a fix is planned to use only 1 ini file
So it means that there's nothing else I can do on my own with this?
And I should calm down and and do other things? or....? -
@iga The issue is being checked out by the developers, so unfortunately you need to be patient and wait for the next version to be released.
It shouldn't take long, however, there is still no set release date. -
@zing Ou..., Thank you for answer!
And then I spent the whole day yesterday poking around in these configs\inis, but there's no sense - thank you for saving me from further torment, I'll go to bed with a clear conscience ) -
admin 2 Mar 2022, 00:00