Ikaruga and ibara
Many thanks for your answers and the links
I didn't managed to get to those threads myself... sorry for that
Then I can give up trying hard on this as I won't success hahaha
Thanks again -
@loky31 said in Ikaruga and ibara:
Then I can give up trying hard on this as I won't success hahaha
Note that those 2 games should be perfectly playable as long as you use the right emulators (hence why you must read arcade documentation before trying to play arcade games, instead of trying to use random emulators with the random romsets you picked) and have a powerful enough device (pi4 should be ok).
@barbudreadmon For IKARUGA, indeed I took the DC iso and it runs well
I imagine there is no other way then.
Regarding Ibara, I have no clue then
Emulators available in recalbox seems not liking him... FBNEO or MAME do not run it.Maybe I'm totally wrong in my wya of trying then...
I've been through the links provided and I must admit being nowhere near understanding what is about LOL
Yeah, I know RTFM noob... ok ! But where is the manual that explains all that in human redeable language ?Anyway... if one is kind enough to explain he is welcomed, otherwise I will stick to what does launch "as is".
I gave a look to TAITO type X, and nothing clear came out... likely not working from my different reading (even if the posts where quite old in fact). Same story, if not specialist it is hard to understand some topics
@loky31 said in Ikaruga and ibara:
Anyway... if one is kind enough to explain he is welcomed
Arcade romsets must match the arcade emulator and its version, meaning if you use FBNeo you need FBNeo romsets, if you use MAME2016 you need MAME2016 romsets, ...
There are files called "dat files" that list the romsets supported for a given emulator, and tools like "clrmamepro" or "romulus" that use those files to verify your romsets are actually matching the emulator (you'll find literally hundreds of tutorials about them on the web, including videos). Other solution : download the matching romsets directly.
Afaik, ibara is perfectly playable with MAME2016 on pi4 with the matching MAME2016 romset, as long as your pi4 is sufficiently overclocked, and you sufficiently lower cpu clock in MAME2016's settings (available through retroarch's core options).
@barbudreadmon thanks a lot , quite clearer
Still Recalbox on raspi4 does not encompass MAME2016.
That's why I'm there then...Just to confirm my understanding
if I download and put in the same folder all the romsets from recalbox mame versions, I should ending up with all my games launching and playing well right?
I know really down to earth consideration there
Do I miss something regarding romset management and mame cores....
From what I read and understand, as long as MAME 2016 is not in recalbox I can't use the MAME 2016 romset, am I right?
Or the conersion with clearmamepro can do this trick to make MAME2016 romset to another version? Then not sure how to proceed with that... -
@loky31 said in Ikaruga and ibara:
Still Recalbox on raspi4 does not encompass MAME2016.
Oh, you are right, the RB team removed MAME2016 for all platforms and only kept MAME2015. Well, MAME2015 might be fine with ibara, i don't know.
@loky31 said in Ikaruga and ibara:
as long as MAME 2016 is not in recalbox I can't use the MAME 2016 romset
That's the other way around : you need MAME2016 romsets to use the MAME2016 emulator. A MAME2016 romset might or might not work with another arcade emulator, it's not guaranteed, which is why the right way to do things is to choose an emulator then get the romsets for that emulator.
@barbudreadmon many thanks for the answer
Just wandering something ( that is absolutely not clear to me yet), which MAME romset is the most complete? i.e which includes the most largest number of ROMS? the most recent one I assume, but is that right?
@loky31 said in Ikaruga and ibara:
the most recent one I assume
Yes, the most recent one will always be the largest. Note that MAME currently contains something like 40000 romsets, but most of those games have yet to be emulated.
@barbudreadmon thanks
Now I'm facing another thing...
I took MAME 0.160 (Mars 2015) ROMSET (full) and I have plenty of multiple title displayed which is anoying...
What should I do to have something "clean"? go through cmlrmamepro or something? -
@loky31 No idea, if you don't want the full set then it would probably be better to just handpick the romsets you want, like ibara. I don't think there is much worth in having a full mame2015 set on your pi anyway, most of its playable games are already playable in FBNeo and/or mame2003-plus, which are the libretro arcade cores you should mainly use.