RustyMG's overlay pack
Hello all!
Well, I must be the unluckiest man alive.I lost my usb stick with the bezels I was working on as shown on here a few months back, and the backup drive failed, meaning I lost a lot of work.
Well, now I have finally finished my bezel collection.
All the below are in 1080p although when I finish the config files it will assume the user is running at 720p, as 1080p overlays is a bit of a strain on a Pi Zero, Pi2 and Pi3 (Recalbox automatically resizes them to 720p).I have been to so many clip art sites, PNG repositories, retro forums, I have lost track of the sources for the ones I havent created myself.
So, although I have amended, adjusted, changed or added to every single overlay I found online, some beyond recognition, if anyone recognises the source, please do not hesitate to let me know, so that I can give them the credit. I know a few are heavily modified versions from OrionsAngel.Also, if anyone wants a zip file of these, just let me know and I will put up a download link.
Mods - I see the next release will include overlays. If you wish to include any of my work, feel free and I can forward on the files.
Now for my terrible attempts in French and Spanish......
Bonjour à tous!
Eh bien, je dois être l'homme le plus malchanceux vivant.J'ai perdu ma clé USB avec les lunettes sur lesquelles je travaillais, comme indiqué ici il y a quelques mois, et le lecteur de sauvegarde a échoué, ce qui signifie que j'ai perdu beaucoup de travail.
Eh bien, maintenant j'ai enfin terminé ma collection de lunettes.
Tous les éléments ci-dessous sont en 1080p, bien que lorsque je termine les fichiers de configuration, il suppose que l'utilisateur fonctionne à 720p, car les superpositions 1080p sont un peu contraignantes pour un Pi Zero, Pi2 et Pi3 (Recalbox les redimensionne automatiquement à 720p).J'ai visité tellement de sites d'images clipart, de référentiels PNG, de forums rétro, j'ai perdu la trace des sources de celles que je n'ai pas créées moi-même.
Donc, bien que j'aie amendé, ajusté, changé ou ajouté à chaque superposition que j'ai trouvée en ligne, certaines au-delà de la reconnaissance, si quelqu'un reconnaît la source, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir, afin que je puisse lui donner le crédit. Je sais que quelques-unes sont des versions fortement modifiées d'OrionsAngel.De plus, si quelqu'un veut un fichier zip de ceux-ci, faites-le moi savoir et je mettrai un lien de téléchargement.
Mods - Je vois que la prochaine version inclura des superpositions. Si vous souhaitez inclure l'un de mes travaux, n'hésitez pas et je peux transmettre les fichiers.
¡Hola a todos!
Bueno, debo ser el hombre vivo más desafortunado.Perdí mi memoria USB con los biseles en los que estaba trabajando como se muestra aquí hace unos meses, y la unidad de respaldo falló, lo que significa que perdí mucho trabajo.
Bueno, ahora finalmente he terminado mi colección de bisel.
Todos los siguientes están en 1080p, aunque cuando termine los archivos de configuración, asumirá que el usuario está ejecutando a 720p, ya que las superposiciones de 1080p son un poco exigentes en Pi Zero, Pi2 y Pi3 (Recalbox los redimensiona automáticamente a 720p).He estado en tantos sitios de imágenes prediseñadas, repositorios PNG, foros retro, he perdido la pista de las fuentes de los que no he creado yo mismo.
Entonces, aunque he modificado, ajustado, cambiado o agregado a cada superposición que encontré en línea, algunas más allá del reconocimiento, si alguien reconoce la fuente, no dude en hacérmelo saber para que pueda darles el crédito. Sé que algunas son versiones muy modificadas de OrionsAngel.Además, si alguien quiere un archivo zip de estos, hágamelo saber y pondré un enlace de descarga.
Mods: veo que la próxima versión incluirá superposiciones. Si desea incluir alguno de mis trabajos, siéntase libre y puedo reenviar los archivos.
@rustymg Hi, your bezels look very beautiful, great job! Could I have the link to your zip? Thanks
@michael-lajoie Hiya,
I'm working on the config files just now (so Recalbox knows where on screen the emulator displays the game image, and how much to resize it).Will hopefully have this done in a few days, as I have done the hard work with the images!
@michael-lajoie said in RustyMG's overlay pack:
Work is taking up a fair bit of my time.
Done A to P, and just P to Z to do, then will put a link up.Tidied up a few mistakes / imperfections I've found as I go, so all is good
Hi @rustymg
You can let ARRM generate the configuration files for you if your transparency area is well defined (no tranparency pixels misplaced)- Just put your overlays with the right system's names in \recalbox\share\overlays_priority\
- Fill the right paths :
- Select your systems
- Click on System overlay button
- ARRM generates the right configuration files
3do.cfg :
Ah great (sarcasm - a british thing, lol), when I've done about 40 already, both for the 1080p and 720p versions.....
Thanks though !
At last!
All done except one that refuses to load, despite it working if selected from within retroarch, making me think there might be a bug in Recalbox (Ive checked both. cfg files for typing errors 3 times).
Its the o2em Philips Videopac overlay.
Will delete folder and create from scratch tonight then post link to the archive. -
Hey, this looks fantastic!
Any possibility to have a zip?thanks!
@superpuissant Apologies, I thought I had upped a link to these !
If I m not back on this thread in the next few days , send me a PM to remind me ! -
Overlay PS1 is .JPG
These files (the png and its corresponding cfg) should be placed together in the libretro overlay folder. Despre seriale ro
Where is the link for these???
@RustyMG did you ever share these? is there a link anywhere to get them? Sorry, if i missed it.
Hi all,
This never got resolved, but over the last few days, Ive went thru all my systems and redid all the config files for a 1080p bezel set.Last night I tested 70 plus systems.
Four need tweaked, so thats not a bad hit rate.
Once fixed and retested, bezels for EVERY libreto core will be avail in 1080p except for MAME, as a lot of people have their own.
I may up mine separately, meaning IF anyone has the rom I have, a bezel will be there...
But that folder will obviously be huge.Give me a week