Kodi Joystick Configuration
It appears the location for the Kodi joystick configuration file has moved from where the wiki says it should be. Anyone know where I can find it?
Hello if recalbox 4.0.0 /recalbox/share_int/system/.kodi
Thanks, I'm trying to edit that file, but it states that it's read-only. Anything I can do to make this file writable?
Hi, for Recalbox 4.x.x try mount -o remount,rw / or mount -o remount,rw /boot in terminal. when you go for a restart, the system will be again “read-only”
Is the file named recalbox.xml? I tried above, made the file editable, however, after chaging it, the file seems have different contents when seeing from network share directly or ssh client. Also the changes I made seems doing nothing. All I want is to have one button to fiction like mouse click in Kodi, I think the key function is OSD.