15 Mar 2021, 19:42

Hi all,
In addition to the themes I've created for ARRM ( https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/11850/soft-arrm-another-recalbox-roms-manager/168 downwards), I've been working on a few "old / retro look" bezels in Photoshop.
I mean, if I'm playing an old Atari 2600 game, or a ZX Spectrum game etc, a "period looking" bezel would be perfect, and that's been my aim.

I've uploaded a few pics of my work in progress so far, and once Im happy with them in Photoshop, I will work out the config files for each.

Old Sony tv final.png

ezgif tv final alt.png

kultiger final.png

monitor7 final.png

Old tv 02 FINAL.png

Old tv 04 final.png

Old tv 05 FINAL.png

portable final.png

portable tv 2 final.png

RGB Monitor final.png

14PT  final.png

17_D final.png

There are a few more, but, you get the point.
All will be available to anyone who wants them 😊 πŸ‘