10 Feb 2021, 22:12

@stigzler I am a Windows user, but I have enough knowledge to tell you that Linux is more stable, and, sorry, but your claim that the problem is that Recalbox is based on Linux, does not proceed.

This type of error has already happened to me (not in Recalbox, not with anything based on Linux, but only on Windows), in the times when it happened to me, the problem was either the defective SD card adapter (needed to force more than normal for the card to be recognized correctly, until one day it didn't work anymore), or, the problem was in the SD card itself (so much formatting, it corrupted, I needed to recover with windows).

If you are going to be deleting partitions many times, I recommend that you use a suitable program, Windows can give you a headache (or you can use Linux gparted, but I have the impression that you don't like Linux ).

The Raspberry Pi Imager already formats before installing Recalbox, doesn't it?