Scraping multi-disk games
Hi all. Having some problems when I scrape multi-disk games (e.g. for Amiga). I set them up in the roms folder as [GameName Folder]>rom (e.g. ChuckRock>Chuck Rock (Europe) (Disk 1).ipf & ChuckRock>Chuck Rock (Europe) (Disk 2).ipf ). When I scrape, firstly I get a folder on the games list (which I can live with, although it looks rubbish with the default theme due to dark grey text) and then repeated instances of the game metadata. In this eample, I get "Chuck Rock" with two entries (I get that it's one for each rom). The problem is that you can't tell which is disk 1 to launch without going into Edit Metadata to see the rom name. Is there any way to improve this?
@stigzler I recommend that you use some external software, such as Skraper or ARRM:
Thanks Zing, but how specifically will that help this situation? What do these do that Recalbox doesn't?
@stigzler Both have this option. Watch the Skraper video, see the ARRM documentation, test and see in practice which is best for you, both are good and have the option you want, you just need to verify that you will understand.